Sixty One

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*I Hide. You Seek...*

Was she fucking kidding me right now?

Just in time when I was querulously waiting for her to finish her shower, she goes MIA leaving me this goddamned note?!

I leave her room exasperated and start looking around the hall for her.

Was that her sort of a pay back to what I did earlier?

I've got to admit she got me thrilled to find her.

Because when I do, I'll make sure she regrets having me do this...

Crossing out both Scott, and Erik's room... There remained the guest's room and the rooftop for the upper floors.

I hope I just find her up top. I really did not have the power to scan the entire lower floor for her.


After getting bummed twice, I descend the stairs sluggishly.

I pick up my phone and try calling her up.

There was no noise whatsoever...

That kitten had to be clever, or just lucky...

The kitchen, the library, the living, the backyard, the dinning, the kitchen, even under the freaking counters! I find her NOT.

I slop down on the last few stairs and try a different approach.

*I've looked everywhere. You won't like it if I keep looking longer.*

I wait for a few minutes but she doesn't bother replying...

I sigh, getting to my feet and pacing around again.


I head back upstairs and look for her once more.


I type in another text.

*I'm in my room and I'm really sleepy. So goodnight.*

I check the rooftop for one last time.

My frustration grows and I eventually return to my room...

I step in hoping she was hiding here all along.

But there was no one in there...

*This is your last warning... I'm falling heavy. I don't like sleeping without you by my side...*

I type in and sneer playfully.

Hoping this one would get her sweet ass up here...

A few more minutes pass and that's when the humor of this situation totally fades...

I was starting to get worried.

The house was so silent...

No one stays hidden for so long...

Another thought crosses my mind again even though I've previously dismissed it.

Maybe she was in her car or something...

I step out on my balcony looking down at her car in the garage.

There were still no signs of her...

I swear to god-if Scott or Erik were harboring her...

I step into Scott's room to find him and Erik lying on the floor beanie, all engrossed in a football match on their PS.

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