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"You what?" I shout at Olive.

"You asked me to talk to her." She shouts back.

"Exactly. I asked you to talk to her not tell her everything." I say angrily.

"First of all stop shouting at me. You know you don't get to!" She points at me.

"Fine but my vulnerability, the video was supposed to be between us. Even dad doesn't know about it" But now she knows.Thanks to you." I point back at Olive.

"Okay I'm sorry about that." She sighs and continues , "Look, I trust her okay? She won't do anything stupid. She might even prove be an asset. You need to trust me on this Nick."

I take a deep breath. "I will if you stop going around telling every one about my vulnerability and his leverage."

"I'm sorry! It won't happen again. I'm leaving now and I don't want you going all grumpy and rude on her because of my mistake. You get that?"

"Fine. Now please leave" I say through gritted teeth.

She rolls her eyes and opens the door. She turns back around and mouths shit. I don't understand why until she opens the door fully and leaves, Hayley standing there.

Love- As Real As the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now