Chapter 2 - Meeting Class 3A

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With a deep breath I stepped inside the bustling chaos that was my classroom 3A. As I did, all chatter seemed to come to a stop as everyone turned to face the strange outsider that had just entered their home room. I felt all eyes on me as I slowly inched inside further and further.

Whispering began as they all eyed me under curious stares.

"Hi!" A bubbly voice called. It was familiar - the brunette girl.

"Are you new? I'm Uraraka!" She said cheerfully.
(Uraraka. Hero name: Uravity)

But I couldn't speak. I was just too shy. Instead I nodded. A slow, awkward nod. Either she was completely unaware of my awkwardness, or she had chosen to ignore it. Whatever it was, she showed no signs of noticing.

"That's great! Come sit there's a free seat next to me!" To my joy it was at the very back, far from curious eyes. I nodded appreciatively and made my way to the single empty desk in the class. Next to me was a quiet kid, with interesting hair. One half was white, like snow and the other a blazing red. He was handsome, even with the large scar across his eye. He didn't make eye contact, simply nodded as I took my seat next to him. The cheerful brunette spun round, eyes gawking at the newcomer.

"That's Shoto Todoroki." She said with a smile, pointing to the student to my left. But the reality was I knew exactly who he was. I knew who all of these kids were. Even the friendly brunette herself and the green haired boy. I had seen them all on TV at their own Sports Festival and have heard many things from Dad.

But I didn't say that. In fact, I didn't say anything. I remained silent, nodding politely as she listed out everyone's names, not wanting to mess up her rhythm.

"So, what's your name?" She asked after finishing introducing our fellow classmates.

"Idina." I mumbled softly. But Uraraka didn't seem to hear me as her brows furrowed all confused.

"Pardon?" She asked sweetly. I cleared my throat, readying to speak louder this time.

"Idina." I said with more volume. "My name is Idina."

"Where have you come from Idina?" She asked.

The rest of the class were also invested. They had all turned to face me, awaiting my answer curiously. All except one. A blonde kid with tussled hair. I knew him instantly. Katsuki Bakugo. He was infamous for his temper and uninterested attitude. It wasn't much of a surprise that he had no interest in gawking at the new kid.

"Um, I was homeschooled." I managed to mutter. "Small town near Hosu." I finished.

Uraraka continued to stare, waiting for me to say more. But I didn't.

"Oh, well that's great!" She replied, realizing I wasn't going to say much more.

"You know, you're reaaally pretty. I bet the boys will be fighting over you." She said with a teasing giggle. My eyes widened in shock.

"They will fight? Why? Have I done something wrong? I can't start trouble on my first day of school my dad would be so mad!" I started to panic. My heart beat started to pound loudly as Dad's furious glare burned in my mind.

"Oh no! Not at all it's just a figure of speech! I don't mean literally! No one will be fighting I promise!" She said, quickly trying to assure me.

"Oh." I muttered with relief. "That's good."

"You don't talk to many kids huh?" She asked. My eyes widened once more. How did she know? Was I being weird? Can she tell I'm not like other kids?

"It's okay." She said with a kind smile. "Don't panic! We'll look after you here. In class 3A we always have each other's back." Her warmth radiated through me. I wanted to be just like her. Kind and inviting. Confident. Maybe one day I can be...

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