Chapter 5 - A Friendship is Born

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"Wow great job Idina!" Uraraka cheered. She was smiling, her grin stretching ear to ear.

"Yeah. Not bad." Shoto praised in his quiet voice. His arms were still folded and his gaze was on the two teachers talking but his praise was definitely directed at me. I couldn't hold back the smile twitching at the corner of my mouth as pride washed over me.

"It's not everyday you see someone get the better of Bakugo!" Kirishima laughed as he landed a playful smack on my back.

"Nice work!" He praised loudly.

"Hmmph. Whatever." Bakugo snorted.

"I'll get you next time new girl." He vowed, infuriated eyes refusing to meet mine. I watched silently as he stormed past me, his shoulder nudging me roughly.

"Hey, not cool Bakugo!" Uraraka cried out in my defence.

"No, it's okay. Really." I murmured awkwardly, not wanting to make a scene.

"It is not okay. You shouldn't let him or anyone for that matter treat you like that." She had a point but I wasn't interested in getting on his bad side anymore than I already was.

"Enough talk." Aizawa's voice called.

"Gather around, I'll give you your scores." The class groaned in unison.


The rest of the morning was a blur. The classes went by fast and I did my upmost best to take notes and memorise everything that came out of our teacher's mouths. As the lunch time bell rang I packed my books, getting ready to stash them in my backpack.

"Idina. Stay back." Aizawa ordered.

Shoto gave me a strange look as he passed my desk.

As the rest of the students filtered out of the class I made my way to Aizawa's desk. As Bakugo passed me he shot me a venomous look. I felt shivers down my spine.

If looks could kill...

Aizawa looked up from his desk, only after the class had emptied.

"Your practical against Bakugo." He began.

"You won the match, but your control needs work. He managed to blow his way out of your wind prison. Only because you were focused on retrieving his flag. You're able to use your quirk on multiple targets but if your focus is not absolute, it's strength diminishes."

I understood exactly what he was saying. He was right. I may now be able to extend my quirk on multiple targets, but the more targets it's used on, the less effective my hold becomes. I needed to work on that.

"I'll train harder." I replied.

"What do I always say is the most important part of mastering a quirk?" He asked, his voice stern.

"Control." I replied obediently, my head lowering slightly in shame.

"Exactly. Do you think you had control of the situation with Bakugo when he broke free on multiple occasions?" He asked, his black eyes as serious as ever.

I shook my head.

"No." I murmured quietly.

"No who?"

"No, sir." I corrected.

"You'll need to work harder Idina. You're showing too many holes in your game."

My stomach sank. Dammit! I need to be better!

"I will not let you down again." I clenched my fists in determination.

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