Chapter 29 - Taking on the Pros

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Bakugo POV

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Bakugo POV

I was getting angry.

Really damn angry.

Togata was always annoying as hell, smiling and laughing all the damn time. He was even more annoying to fight against.

Every time I blasted him he'd permeate through a wall, causing my blast to damage more of the city than I intended to.

That damned Togata!
(Pro Hero: Mirio Togata. Hero Name: Lemillion)

"Hey if you keep that up, you'll be doing more damage than our explosion did!" Togata laughed, his annoyingly cheerful voice causing the hairs on my arms to stand on end.

"Well if you stayed still, there'd be no damage to anything other than your pathetic body!" I yelled. I was getting worked up and it took all my resolve not to lose it and just blast at everything.

Was that what he wanted? Was he trying to aggravate me to push me to that extent so I'd fail? I bit down hard. It had to be... that bastard.

I glanced around. There were buildings everywhere, hazards all around us, civilians likely hiding inside. I couldn't be reckless. I was beginning to feel restrained, and I didn't like that. Not at all. My lips pulled back into a snare.

Did he know I would try to lure him away from Idina? Did he know I would be the one to chase him down? I clenched my fists, my nails digging deep into my palms. That's exactly it. He knew I'd play the offence. This bastard! He thinks he can predict me? Me?! I lured him away from Idina to keep her and the civilians safe, not for glory like he thinks... and I'll be damned if he thinks I'd let him beat me!

Suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

I spun around, wide eyed to see Togata had appeared from above the ground, standing before me with a smug grin stretching from ear to ear. He was right before me... less than an arms length away... how? By the time I react and get my arms out to blast him away, it'd be too late... I simply won't be able to react in time...

Dammit! He's got me...

His stupid grin seemed to stretch even wider. Smug bastard!

"Bakugo!" Idina's voice came out of nowhere, so did the large wind gust that had Togata going flying down the street.

Idina stood tall, she was panting, like she'd raced here at full speed. Her black ponytail swaying in the wind that she was conducting. Her eyes, usually that gorgeous mix of grey and blue, were completely grey,  a ferocious look, not even her pupils or the whites could be seen. Her fists where clenched at her sides. She looked like a vision of wrath...

My chest heaved. My god was I glad to see her.

She got here so fast... were the civilians really safe? Did she really rush here to help me? I don't need help, not from anyone. But she was different... I trusted her. Not only as a team mate or a hero, but as a person... she's the one person I'd be proud to have fighting by my side... even more than Kirishima. I couldn't explain it... she and I we just... fit together...

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