Chapter 30 - Time for Grading

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Idina POV

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Idina POV

Our classmates gawked at us with mouths open, jaws on the ground and eyes wide with astonishment. We had returned to the screening room after having successfully completed the simulation.

Bakugo rolled his eyes with a huff as he walked through them, unbothered.

"What the hell are you looking at?" He barked as he pushed past them. "Never seen real pros before?"

He had an air of confidence about him as he made his way toward the exit. I had to smother my smile. I wished I could be as carefree and confident as he was, but instead I stood awkward and self conscious with my arms tucked lamely in front of me, picking at my nails out of instinct.

"Not so fast Bakugo." Aizawa called before he could slip away. "I still need to grade you. Come back."

"What's there to grade? We're the only ones who defeated your lame villains and saved the city." Bakugo grumbled.

"Maybe so, but there were plenty of mistakes made. Now get back here." Aizawa had a no-nonsense finality to his tone that even Bakugo refused to mess with. Obediently he turned and made his way back with an exaggerated huff. Our classmates huddled around, eager to understand what mistakes the only successful students had made.

"Oh no you don't." Aizawa commented lazily at our peers. "It's crowded enough as it is. The rest of you make your way to the cafeteria for morning interval." He ordered.

"But-" Midoriya attempted to refute yet the moment he saw Aizawa's piercing glare he knew better than to question him and opted to close his mouth and slip awkwardly out the door. Smart.

"Gather around the screens." Aizawa commanded. Bakugo and I obeyed, stepping closer in silent unison. As we did the back door opened and with it entered the infamous Endeavour.

I gulped as I took in Endeavour's harsh expression of barely contained fury. I hadn't seen him this close since that incident many weeks ago now. And for good reason. He was intimidating, sure. But it wasn't just his sheer size, it was it his being in all entirety. He didn't just wield fire, he personified it. He was the burning flames and the overwhelming heat... and his fire seemed to be aimed right at me as his singeing glare focused solely on my timid form.

A movement from my side caught my eye.
It was only a small movement, but I knew it was purposeful. He adjusted himself ever so slightly, so that he blocked Endeavour's direct sight of me. A movement so subtle, Endeavour would have thought it coincidental. But I knew Bakugo better than anyone. He did it for me. He was trying to protect me.
I'm stronger than I was back then. I may be awkward and timid, but when I need to I can protect myself. Especially now.
But I was grateful to have him there for me. It was exhausting trying to survive all on my own...

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