Chapter 3 - The Surprise Practical Test

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We had all changed into our P

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We had all changed into our P.E uniforms, a navy blue jumpsuit with the letters U A in white across the front. I had secured my hair back into a sturdy high ponytail. We all stood in a line before Mr Aizawa as we awaited instruction. Movement on my left caught my eye. It was Shoto. He squeezed in, moving himself to stand beside me until we were shoulder to shoulder. He looked ahead, eyes focused on our teacher. Shoto Todoroki was his full name. He was impressive. I knew plenty about him. He was the youngest son of the number one Pro Hero Endeavour. His dual quirk meant he could expel fire from one side of his body, and ice from the other. He was extremely powerful. I had already decided that he would be one of my biggest competitions here, especially having the training of Endeavour under him.

"You're all going to have your turn going up against another classmate. It will be a capture the flag type game. The first one to reach their opponent's flag and bring it back to their own base wins the match." Mr Aizawa's voice echoed loudly for everyone to hear.

"How do we know who we go up against?" Midoriya asked.

"I decide." Aizawa responded. "And on that note, let's get started. First up, Mineta and Atsui"

As the opponents stepped forward the rest of the class readied to watch the match with curious anticipation. I was watching the pair carefully as they made their way to the main area. It was almost like a large field, identical to the one I'd seen used for the Sports Festival. One end was Atsui's base and the other was Mineta's. Atsui was a frog quirk. Her abilities were that of a frog. She had a long tongue that peeped out the side of her mouth and long black hair, very similar to my own. Mineta on the other hand was short, with purple balls all over his scalp that could stick to anything except for Mineta himself. I knew plenty about their quirks, but it was interesting to see them up close and personal. I watched their movements carefully, reading their stances and confidence as they got into position.

"You're very focused." Shoto murmured, his eyes studying me instead of the two students being tested. It took me by surprise.

"Oh. I guess I am..." I replied dryly.

"You're trying to read their movements."

I blinked. How did he know? I nodded.

"Should I not be?" I asked.

"It's not that. It's just you took your test results very seriously. And now you're overly focused on their performance." He muttered, nodding his head toward Atsui and Mineta.

"Again, should I not be?" I asked quietly. I was confused. What was he getting at?

"I saw your test results. You got 99%." His eyes now looked forward at the students who had just started their match.

"99% is almost a perfect score." He finished. I shrugged. Almost perfect is not good enough.

"Yeah, almost." I commented, my own eyes also watching the two students battling off against one another.

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