We'll Hang.

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Auroras POV

Tommy stands in front of his desk, large sums of money laid out in front of him. He called a family meeting for all of us but didn't tell me what is was about. "Ror." Tommy calls and I look up at him. "I love you. I'm sorry." He tells me as I frown. I don't get to ask him what he means by 'he's sorry' as the door opens and everyone piles in.

The family including, Isaiah, uncle Charlie, Curly, Johnny dogs, Esme, Lizzie and Linda all move to take a seat. Arthur and John sit on either side of me, and John grabs my hand, linking our fingers together. "Before I begin, I want to let you know I've made a mistake. I made a mistake and I want to apologise to you all." Tommy speaks.

"Arthur, you warned me about getting involved with Russian business. And you were right. I doubted your wife and for that, I am sorry." He says, sliding a pile of cash towards Arthur, Tommys eyes refuse to meet his older brothers. "Linda, I have added three thousand here in hopes that you will forgive me." He adds as Linda stands up to retrieve her money, glaring at Tommy. "Apology accepted."

"Esme, I doubted you as well." Tommy continues. "Now, John's got innocent lives on his conscience. Ordinary working men." Esme spat, looking up from the baby in her arms. "Yeah, alright Esme, we got it." John cuts in hoarsely, rolling his eyes at her. "No, she's right." Tommy agrees. "And you and Arthur are gonna have to share that burden." Throwing two piles of money forward, Tommy shrugs. "But I hope the house you can buy with this can become a place of contemplation. Perhaps redemption."

John stands bitterly, retrieving his money and sits back down, taking my hand back in his. "Charlie, for lost tools, dangerous goods and Curly's wise words." Tommy throws a pile of money at my uncle. "Johnny for boards and lodgings." Another roll of cash get thrown to Johnny dogs. Tommy slides a roll of cash towards Lizzie for her work as a secretary. She purses her lips and throws it back towards him, sitting back in her chair glaring. "Michael, for the killings. Five for cutting and five for shooting." Tommy continues throwing the cash towards his cousin.

"No Tommy." Polly interjects standing up. "What?!" Tommy yells. "Tell me, eh? This is who I am!" He roars, waving the cash. "And this is all I can give for what you've given me. For your hearts and for your souls. Yesterday me and Aurora nearly lost our son." He tosses the money down, pointing at his aunt. "You should understand that. For what? For this? For this?"

"And I know you all want me to say that I'll change. That this fucking business will change.  But I've learned something in the last few days. These bastards, those bastards are worse than us. Politicians, fucking judges, Lords and Ladies. They are worse than us and they will never admit their places no matter how legitimate we become. Because of who we are. Because of who we fucking are, because of where we're fucking from. Isn't that right, Ada?" Tommy questions, rounding on his sister.

"Our Ada knows. She got smart about the revolution. And she knows you have to get what you want your own way. And the rest of you, you took the kings shilling. You took the kings fucking shilling. When you take the kings shillings, the king expects you to kill. Right Arthur? Yeah, that's how it works, yeah. John?" Tommy finishes as Michael stands up and takes his wad of cash. "That's right." He mutters before sitting back down.

"That's right, Pol." Tommy says, straightening up and putting his hands on his hips. "That's fucking right." Polly shakes her head. "Tommy. You've had a bad time. We understand. So, at an alternative time." Polly pauses, taking the money from Michael. "When we have all recovered, I would like to put before the family an alternative view of the future of Shelby Company Limited. A hopeful view." She finishes. "Which I for one, would like to hear." Ada says.

"As would I." Esme repeats. "As would I." Lizzie agrees as I sigh and the room falls back into silence. "Come on Arthur. The train for the dock leaves in one hour." Linda says, beginning to gather herself. "You're actually leaving?" I ask her, feeling angry. I can't lose Arthur. He's my big brother.

"Yes." Linda snaps, answering for him. "Then we'll get the boat to New York, and it'll all be in the past." Everyone stands to wish Arthur a fair well except for me. "Rory." Arthur calls me and I look up him as he looks at me sadly. I sniffle before I stand up and wrap my arms around him. "I love you, little sis." He whispers to me. "I love you too." I whisper back before we pull away.

Next, Johns hugs him. Both brothers having a moment of silence as they embrace each other. Sniffling, John pulls away and laces his hand with mine, holding it tightly as we watch Arthur approach Tommy. "I'll be off then Tommy." Arthur says and Tommy ignores him, taking a drag of his cigarette before blowing out the smoke.

"I'll see you soon, eh? I'll see you brother." Arthur tries again but is ignored by Tommy. I look around and notice Finn looking like he's about to cry so I hold my hand out to him. He takes my hand, gripping it tightly.

The room falls into a deadly silence and you could hear a pin drop before Tommy leans forward. "You can go, but you won't get far Arthur." He tells him as all of us look at him on confusion. "Uh, alright Tom." Arthur chuckles nervously. Tommy keeps his eyes on the desk, not laughing and smiling, and the room falls cold.

"I spoke to Moss last night. He told me that the chief constable of Birmingham has issued warrants for your arrest. Murder, sedition, conspiracy to cause explosion. John, they're coming for you as well. Michael..." Arthur staggers as he listens.

Johns expression turns to shock, then one to fear as he looks down at me. "What the fuck?" Arthur growls, glaring at Tommy. "Michael for the murder of father Hughes." Tommy says as Finn grips my hand tightly. "Polly for the murder of chief inspector Campbell." He continues. "Wait a minute, what the fuck are you talking about?!" Arthur yells as Linda grips his sleeve.

The house begins to swarm with officers, the clattering and noises getting closer. "The people that betrayed us last night, they want to bring us down. Now, they control the police, they control the judges, they control the juries, they control the jails. But they do not control the elected government." Tommy yells. "Why didn't you tell us?!" John roars. "You're my brother!" Arthur courses. "Listen to me! Listen to me! So I have made a deal-" Tommy starts.

"They'll fucking hang us!" Michael interjects. "In return for giving evidence against them." Tommy finishes and I look up at him. "It's all taken care of." He says, his eyes holding mine. "Lizzie, collect up the money and bring it to the cellar. You will all get your money in due course. When they get in, do not resist. You go with them, you do not say anything." He warns, his eyes still stuck on me as I freeze in shock.

I look up to watch my family all begin to make a break for the door but I can't move. "Arthur. I've made a deal with people even more powerful than our enemies. Trust me, brother, eh? Trust me." Tommy calls before Linda strikes. She lets lose at him before Arthur pulls her back. "You did this deliberately! You made this happen to us!" Linda screams.

Walking towards me, Tommy shook my shoulders, before cradling my face. "I love you." He tells me and I look up to him, tears dripping down my cheeks as I glare deadly at him. "How could you do this? Our family will hang, Tommy." I cry in disbelief.

"It's you and me, Ror. You and me. I fucking love you. Come on, Ror, I love you." He says, glancing over my shoulder. "I hate you." I growl as I walk out of the room, watching as our family get carted away in the back of a van. I catch Johns eye as he looks at me sadly.

Tommys POV

I follow slowly after, watching as Aurora storms upstairs, not even looking back. Tears gather in my eyes as I huff. "She'll be okay Tommy. You just have to make it up to her." Ada tells me. "I've fucked up. I've really fucked up. She's gone. I've lost her." I say.

"Wipe your bloody tears and man up Tommy! You put her family in prison. You did that. You decided that. Deal with it and pull yourself together." Ada spat, fixing my suit jacket. "My Aurora. She hates me." I mutter, sitting down on the steps as I pull out a cigarette and light it and Ada follows. "John will bloody kill you. He might not let you anywhere near her ever again if he gets out." She grumbles as I hear Esme shouting and things smashing.

I take a deep breath before tossing my cigarette aside. I stand to my feet, not sparing Ada a glance as she watches me in confusion. "Where do you think you're fucking going?!" Esme yells, catching me as I went to walk by the door. "To get my fucking girl back." I growl before pushing past her.

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