Chapter 211: Flashback: Archaeological Site, Egypt, Along the Red Sea, 1947

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Archaeological Site


Along the Red Sea


In the claustrophobic tunnel, Indy held his daughter Emily, while laying on his back, using only his legs to push them both through the narrow passage between the wall and the broken obelisk.

The air was getting thinner, as Indy's boots tried to find a point of leverage. "Em?" He asked, checking on her as the passage narrowed.

Her sobbing was quieter.

"Stay real still," Indy murmured. He could feel her trembling. "Deep breath?"

She nodded, trying to breathe. "Hurts..."

"Yeah. Keep breathing with me." He forced air into his chest, letting it rise and fall, so Emily could feel the rhythm of a calm breath echoed by what he hoped was a soothing voice. "Em?"

She responded with a cough and then a shriek.

Indy felt her shudder. "Ok, hon... just like me. Breathe in... through your nose -"

"Can't!" She sucked a massive amount of air. "Can't!" She wailed.

"Indy!" Marion yelled. "Just get her out!"

"Momma!" Emily shrilled.

"Marion - I can't! If the obelisk tips -"

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