Chapter 250: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


The apkallu hoard surrounded the four humans. They towered over the Joneses, Shorty and Lizavet. Their bodies were lean bi-pedal, scaly forms, with legs and arms that seemed to bend backward in comparison to human body structure. They leaned forward, eerily eyeing and appraising Lizavet and Emily. Their dark yellowed snake-like eyes, with eyelids that blinked in a sideways flicker. Their heads jutted out from thick necks, like the furious cobra Indy had faced decades before. Jagged teeth filled their hissing mouths as the leader - the tallest most ugly one, reached forward with its gnarled six fingered clawed hand.

It wore a tattered cloak of shimmering black obsidian-like material, and also around its neck was Emily's severed braid of coppery brunette hair... an ancient signal of possession and ownership of a woman.

The thing spoke, rumbling and rasping in an ancient language - which somehow they all understood and it chilled them to the bone marrow. "Dr. Jones, we have come for your daughters."

"Like hell," Emily snarled, swinging the sword.

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