Chapter 299: Cave, Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


They clamored onto the cave's formations, clinging to the frozen rocks. The water rose and sloshed below them.

"Climb higher!" Indy shouted, barely hanging on with his uninjured arm.

Emily hung on, knowing she was probably safer than the others. "Dad! Shorty! Lizavet?"

"Em, I'm all right," Indy answered, keeping his voice calm, but the worry and pain were coming through. "Check in, kids - since we can't see each other. Shorty?"



"I am here!"


"Up here, Dad."

Something snapped free from the ceiling, crashing into the water below.

"What was that?" Shorty asked.

Emily answered. "One of the rock icicles that was hanging from the ceiling just fell!"

"Stalactite," Lizavet mused. "It is a common cave formation. Stalactites hang tight to the ceiling. Stalagmites grow from the ground. Columns happen when they meet."

"Em?" Indy asked.

"Still here, Dad. I'm gonna lower a rope... I think I see a way through."

"On the ceiling?" Lizavet wondered.

"Yeah. Looks like a bridge."

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