Chapter 288: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Emily caught the half cooked fish as Shorty struggled with the fire. Lizavet stood quietly watching Shorty's flurry of movements fail.

"Korotiky," she offered. "I am not certain -"

Indy was watching the sky, thinking of other plane chases that had not gone in his favor.

From behind the volcanic haze, nearly obscuring the sun three planes appeared.

Indy squinted watching them... losing hope. "Those aren't rescue planes... they're traveling too fast. And the formation looks military." He paused. "Still... they're the only people we've seen. Lizavet - can you do something to help them see us better?"

Lizavet spoke to the fire.

It blazed furiously.

Shorty was knocked backward. "How? - Yow!"

"Do not play with fire," Lizavet replied. "...Unless you are a shaman."

Emily covered her face by pulling down her hat, her eyes watering. "Forgot the shaman drugs make light painful."

Indy stared at the blaze now taller than him.

Lizavet met his gaze. "Is that what you wanted, Papa?"

"Wonderful, Lizavet."

The formation of three planes responded. The larger one in the middle kept going on course, but the two smaller escort planes diverted through the hazy sky, trying to fly toward the signal fire and avoid the worst of the patchy distant falling ash.

The engine noise of the plane reached their ears as the aircraft silhouettes became less hazy. "Those are Japanese Zero planes," Shorty's eyes bulged. "Take cover!"

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