Chapter 223: Flashback: Archaeological Site Egypt, Along the Red Sea, 1947

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Archaeological Site


Along the Red Sea


Marion continued, slamming the heel of her palm into the center of Emily's chest, keeping her arms straight, pressing harder and faster.

"Marion - you're gonna break her sternum," Indy whispered, barely able to find his voice.

"Shut up and count, Jones! I know what I'm doing!"

Marion knelt over Emily's mouth and forced air into it again.


"What is this?" Indy asked, as Marion returned to pummeling Emily's chest.

"Its new. It gets the heart and lungs going by mimicking breathing," Marion explained between counting. "Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPR."

"How long do we do this?"

"Till she starts breathing, we get help, or she's..." Marion's voice choked as she couldn't say the word 'dead'.

Indy understood. "Twenty-seven. Twenty-eight. Twenty-nine. Thirty."

Marion knelt, breathing into Emily's mouth.

"I'll take over," Indy folded his hands as he'd seen Marion do.

"No. Interlock your fingers. Your hands are larger - so only use one. Heel of the hand in the center of her chest. Make sure to only push down two inches. Put your other hand against the ground. You'll still have the interlocking fingers and the straight arms for leverage and bracing."

Marion watched, staring at her trembling hands.

"Count with me, Marion."

She nodded. "One."

Indy's palm pressed into the child's chest.


Indy looked at her. "Am I doing this right?"

"Faster. It's supposed to mimic a heartbeat. And the chest is supposed to spring back after the compression."

Indy nodded. "Three. Four. Five. ...How am I doing?"

"Better." She nodded. "Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten."

Marion tried to hold her breath, but found herself gasping.

"Easy, Marion. You've got to breathe into her mouth in a few moments."

Marion nodded. "Fifteen. Sixteen."

"Seventeen. Eighteen," Indy tried to reassure her with his tone.

Her voice cracked. "Nineteen. Twenty. Indy... if this doesn't work..."

"Its gonna work, Marion. Keep counting."

"Twenty-five. Twenty-six. Twenty-seven."

Marion poised over their child, preparing to give the next breaths.

"Twenty-eight. Twenty-nine," Indy counted. "Thir-"

Emily rolled over, screamed and threw up on the mummy.

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