Chapter 266: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


The apkallu hoard surrounded Indy, Lizavet and Shorty.

"They blocked me from seeing where Emily was!" Lizavet stammered, flinching and cowering. "Please don't be angry!"

"Not angry," Indy replied. He made sure Lizavet could see his features as he half supported her. "I just want everyone safe."

The apkallu hoard laughed. "That will be impossible, Dr. Jones. You can't win. Your children and grandchildren will be ours! And we'll start with your daughters Emily and Lizavet! Then we'll move onto your darling treasure firstborn, Annie and your wife, Marion."

Lizavet whimpered.

"That's it!" Shorty snarled, rolling up his sleeves. "I was too young to fight you bastards in the Temple of Doom - but dammit - I'm not too young now. And you just crossed a line! This is my family too!"

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