Chapter 297: Cave, Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


They entered the cave, Emily Jones leading the way, Lizavet and Shorty close behind her, Indy at the back, holding his cigarette lighter.

The first chamber lofted to a domed ceiling, icicles serving as lace to the cave's columns, stalactites and stalagmites. The river flowed through it, turning to leave the cave, calm as if the earthquakes had never disturbed it before. All seemed serene and timeless.

They walked carefully along a sandbar, made mostly of pebbles, following Emily, listening to their footsteps invade the sacred silence.

"Em," Indy warned. "Stop."

She obeyed. "What do you see, Dad?"

"Old memories," he murmured. "The walls are smooth. Sounds were meant to echo."

"It is a shamans cave," Lizavet answered. "They would have done rituals to prepare to enter the world of the dead."

"That's not it," Indy replied. "I've seen something like this before. It was the barrow on Attu. Where I got the first sword."

"That would... make sense..." Lizavet answered hesitantly.

"Are those carvings?" Shorty asked.

"Petrogylphs," Emily corrected. "The first layer of the rock is removed. Those look painted on too, so they stand out."

Shorty swallowed. "I saw petroglyphs like those in the ruin where I met the apkallu and they killed my crew." He cringed. "I don't like this..."

"It is an entryway to the world of the dead," Lizavet murmured. "We, the living are not supposed to trespass."

"But we're returning the swords to the underworld," Emily replied. "We have to go on."

"We're returning them to the prison. They are to secure the apkallu from returning or escaping."

"Keys to hell," Indy muttered. "Swords of Diya, keys to hell."

"Isn't that like giving the bad guys access to the bank vault?" Shorty asked.

Lizavet swallowed. "We have to trust that we're doing the right thing, and that the Treasure Guardian will meet us there."

"To do what?" Emily asked.

"I do not know."

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