Chapter 292: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Everything seemed to be a sudden blur.

They hit chilling water.

The current dragged them. The swords each of them wore made them sink quickly.

Suddenly a wall of water slammed them, rolling.

Lizavet screamed, thrashing.

The confused current dragged them under.

Emily hit the bottom of the river - her hands picking up silt.

She pushed up from the bottom, her head breaking the surface. "DAD!"

Indy's hat floated in a circular motion slightly downstream.

Indy shook water from his eyes, gasping for air, trying to hang onto Lizavet. "Whirlpool! Get back!" He looked around. "SHORTY? EM!"

Shorty popped his head up out of the water. "HERE, DAD!"


"DAD!" Emily clawed at the blindfold, pulling it off.

Indy stared at Lizavet, barely hanging onto her against the current. "Lizavet?"

Suddenly the young woman started convulsing.

"She's having another seizure!" Shorty yelled, swimming toward Lizavet and Indy.

Indy fought the memory. It had been another adventure. A different woman. The same horrible realization. "Lizavet! I can't hold you!"

She thrashed, knocking him across the face.

Indy's vision spun. The world blackened.

The churning current pulled Indy under.

"DAD!" Emily yelled, trying to swim toward Indy.

He managed to get his head above water for a moment. "Save them!" Indy ordered, pointing with his uninjured arm. His head went under.

"DAD!" Shorty and Emily yelled.

Lizavet thrashed.

Shorty was struggling with Lizavet. Her convulsions were pulling them both down.

Emily grabbed for Lizavet, steadying them.

Shorty pushed up from the bottom, Lizavet's body weight contained and her thrashing lessened by Emily's grip.

"Hold her steady and swim for the shore!" Emily ordered.

Shorty gasped, trying to stay above water as the currents pummeled them.

"We need to keep her head out of the water! And don't let the swords stab her!"

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