Chapter 222: Flashback: Archaeological Site Egypt, Along the Red Sea, 1947

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Archaeological Site


Along the Red Sea


Marion stared at Indy, heart pounding. "What'd you mean?"

"She's not breathing!" He swam over to the wall, holding their daughter against his chest. "Climb up, Marion! I'll need to hand her to you at the top."

Marion scrambled up the ancient footholds, near the fallen column and crushed mummified body. Quickly she tied a knot around the column and threw down a rope.

Indy scrambled up after her, gently laying their child next to the mummy.

"What do we do, Marion?!" Panic rose in Indy's voice. It was the sudden terror of a helpless protector. A terror he'd never known before. "I got her out! She was breathing before we went under - couldn't get her to stop sucking air - she was so scared - poor kid -"

Marion folded her hands, interlocking her fingers and slammed the heel of her palm into the center of Emily's chest, keeping her arms straight, pressing hard and fast.

"Count, Indy! Count with with me, dammit!"

Indy looked confused for a moment, then joined Marion's counting.

She broke at thirty, opened Emily's mouth, tilting her daughter's head back and forcing air into the child's lungs.

Nothing happened.

Marion looked at Indy. "Again!"

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