Chapter 261: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Lizavet shrugged Shorty off, scrambling to her feet, grabbing her swords.

She stood beside Indy, facing the apkallu. "In the dreams, they always take me. And then..." she shuddered. "Horrible things happen. They make me marry them through human sacrifice, I'm their slave... and then I watch the destruction of everyone and everything. Then they force me to have children - and I can't bring myself to kill these evil creatures in order to save humanity."

"We're not there yet," Indy declared growling. He looked at her. "Should you be standing up?"

"I tried to tell her that too," Shorty answered, from behind them, guarding their backs against the apkallu.

Lizavet shut her eyes. "I am going to open a shaman door. It is a short distance. One of you is going to have to go in to grab Emily."

"Shorty - stay here," Indy decided. "Lizavet - now."

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