Chapter 304: Cave, Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Indy looked across the bridge as the lights were fading. "Lizavet?"

"Coming Papa!" Her voiced echoed, something else rumbling with it.

Lizavet turned listening to the incoming sound.

The rumbling was shattering the ice, coating the cave behind them.

"Oh no. Earthquake..." Lizavet whispered. "The ice holding the bridge will break."

"JUMP LIZAVET!" Indy ordered.

The ice cracked like glass as the bone and sinew bridge shattered. The water that had risen in the chasm suddenly drained with a roar.

Lizavet jumped from the bridge - knowing that she couldn't reach Shorty's outstretched hands.

She felt herself falling.

There was only one choice for survival.

She made a shaman motion with her hand.

"Where'd she go?" Shorty cried.

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