Chapter 308: Kamchatka, 1960, Mountain Lake that Shorty's Plane Crashed in 1944

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


The Same Mountain Lake that Shorty's Plane Crashed in 1944

Edo stepped from his plane. It had landed in the same valley as Shorty's crew had slid into during their plane crash in 1944. Edo lifted the binoculars as the light caught something on the side of the snowy mountainside. "Captain Wan Li's plane," he smiled and called to his men.

Chiba and several others came from his plane. One was the pilot.

He turned to them. "Are you prepared to sacrifice yourselves for a great cause?"

They uttered a resounding war cry in unison.

Edo smiled at the apkallu forming around his small war party. "There... you see their loyalty."

"I do. But that is to you - not me." The apkallu leader replied, "Let me call for my own comrades. I will meet you at the altar."

The apkallu leader disappeared, snarling in an ancient bone crunching language. Edo's men flinched.

Chiba, Edo's second in command spoke. "We have done unspeakable things for you and proven our loyalty in war - but this is not war. We work for our former enemies... and what purpose will this bring you? These ancient swords which you seek will never bring back our honor or our children."

Edo's eyes lit with a savage rage. "You have seen what we are capable of in Nanking! What if we could do that to do the world?"

"It would still not bring back our children," Chiba answered. "And fighting two women, one of age warrior, and an old man is not a war of honor."

Edo pointed toward the ancient ruins. "There! You will see the will of the gods!"

Edo's men looked at each other uneasily.

"If you do not obey me I will call down these gods to curse your families!"

"Few of us have family," Chiba spoke.

"Even fewer of us remain with honor," one of the other ninjas added.

"Then you shall gain it!" Edo pointed to the ruin.

The men looked at each other and agreed with uneasy nods. 

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