Chapter 289: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Indy grabbed his three kids and shoved them forward away from the signal fire. They tumbled over the edge of the rise in their campsite rolling down the hill. Two Japanese zero fighter planes buzzed the tundra grass, bullets slamming into the ground.

Emily hid under Indy's arm. "I can't see! Its too bright!"

Shorty stared in horror. "You don't wanna see this -"

The Zero planes opened up and something dropped from them. A fireball exploded as it collided with the ground.

Shorty peeked out from under his arms. "Damn. Who modifies a Japanese Zero to drop incendiary bombs?"

"CIA," Lizavet answered. "Emily, may I have your pistol?"

Emily handed over her gunbelt. "There's some extra ammo too."

"Excellent," Lizavet smiled.

"We'll meet you at the lake, where the bear was," Indy offered.

"Do not go there!" Lizavet cried. "The ground is unstable... if the plane crashes... it will catch fire."

"More geothermal indigestion?!?" Shorty cried.

Lizavet buckled Emily's gun belt and took off running.

Shorty scrambled after her.

Indy looked at Emily. "Guess we'd better go too. I was hoping the lake where we got the fish would be safe for us to hide in."

Emily tied a scarf around her eyes. "Warn me if I'm gonna trip, Dad."

Indy gripped his daughter's hand. "Ok. Right beside you the whole way... on three, start running. One."

Lizavet held up the pistol, tracking the plane in the sky. The pilot turned the plane toward her.

"Two," Indy tensed his body, glancing at his daughter making sure Emily was able to understand, even though she couldn't see.

Shorty dove forward knocking Lizavet down. She fired anyway.

"Three!" Indy yelled, pulling Emily up.

Emily scrambled, feeling the tug on her father's hand. She trusted him and together they both started running.

Shorty tackled Lizavet. "I love you!"

"I almost shot you!" She cried.

"I saved you!" Shorty retorted.

"You made miss my shot!" Lizavet checked her borrowed pistol and began to steadily track the incoming plane.

Emily looked at Indy, hearing the argument. "Is that the sound of true love?"

"Damn straight, hon," Indy replied. "Your mother and I had similar discussions."

"Oh. Is that what they're called?" Emily grinned.

"Duck!" Indy yelled shoving Emily into the grass as bullets filled the air.

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