Chapter 301: Cave, Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Indy held the cigarette lighter for a moment, getting a chance to look around. They were pressed near the cave's domed ceiling on a narrow rock, leading into a secondary chamber. They couldn't see how deep it was... but there was a bridge stretching across the chasm.

"I don't like this," Shorty murmured. "It looks like the bridge you had to cut in half in order to escape from the Temple of Doom."

"That was rope and wood, Shorty," Indy replied. "This is... something else?"

"Bone and sinew," Lizavet answered. "We do not have the plant materials or the wood this far north for a rope and wood bridge."

Emily touched the bridge with her boot toe. It rattled under her weight.

"I like that even less," Indy muttered.

"Its coated with something, Dad. Same as the rest of the cavern..." Emily mused. "Would that make it safe to cross, Lizavet?"

"The coating would be minerals," Lizavet answered. "It would seep into the bones, turning them to fossilized rocks. They would be heavier. The sinews would get brittle as well... but I do not believe we have any other choice. It would be similar to crossing thin ice."

Indy held onto the cigarette lighter, noticing that the flame was catching something in the ceiling. "Lizavet... do those stones in the ceiling look like stars?"

"As above, so below," she whispered. "Yes. That is a map of the stars."

Shorty looked at his arm tattoo. "Are any of the stars from here, on there?"

Lizavet studied the tattoo. "Papa, please silence the light."

Indy shut the cigarette lighter.

Emily breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, hon. I'm used to daylight being harmless."

"Its all right, Dad," Emily reached for his hand. She easily found it in the dark. "I prefer seeing the sky too."

"It is above us," Lizavet murmured. She reached into her pack and began to play her flute.

"What are you doing?" Shorty asked.

"I'm calling the waters," she whispered. "If I call the waters, they will freeze and support the bridge."

"Can you... do that?" Shorty asked.

Lizavet played quietly at her bone flute.

Indy heard the water lapping and sloshing quietly. "Yeah. She can, Shorty."

"I can see it," Emily whispered. "The stars are reflecting in the water... it's beautiful. And... this light isn't painful..."

She turned slightly. "Why are our swords glowing?"

"The petroglyphs are glowing too!" Shorty stammered in awe.

Lizavet smiled softly and continued playing her flute.

Indy stared across the bridge. Something was glowing like two eyes. He squinted, blinking. "Em?"

"The two eyes?" She asked.


"They're spirals, Dad. They only look like eyes because of the distance. And it looks like hands are in the center."

Shorty had binoculars. "The hands have six fingers."

"Apkallu hands," Emily growled.

Indy grimaced. "Two spirals, with two six fingered handprints in the center. Damn. Its the Attu Barrow all over again." He looked at his sword. "We must be getting close."

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