Chapter 251: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


The blade struck the apkallu. Gold flecks ripped from its skin. Black blood dripped from the cut.

Small ugly creatures appeared from the cut before the blood droplets hit the ground.

"Oh shit," Indy muttered.

"The legends of Kali fighting Raktabija... are right?" Shorty stared horrified, watching the smaller creatures add to the ranks of the apkallu, growing larger feeding off their fear. "Strike it and....?"

"Its... blood... makes more of them." Lizavet whispered. "Just like in my nightmares..."

The apkallu laughed. They all seemed to laugh in unison. Including the blood droplet spawn...

Emily swallowed, blinking. "How many did I create?"

"Doesn't matter," Indy answered. "The problem is anything we do against them is going to make them reproduce."

"Then how do we destroy them?" Shorty asked. "Or defend ourselves?"

Indy swallowed, watching the monsters grow larger. "Lizavet? What do you dreams say?"

She didn't reply.

Indy chanced a look behind him. Lizavet hung onto both her swords, staring, her eyes locked on the apkallu. It wasn't rage - this was paralyzing fear.

"Shorty! Protect her!" Indy ordered.

Shorty stood beside Lizavet, trying to destroy the fear with tenderness. – And avoid getting sliced with one of Lizavet's swords. "I know they're scary," he told her, trying to break fear's grip with reassurance. "And I'm terrified too, but Lizavet... I came here for you... and we're not going to leave you here."

"I know," Lizavet answered softly as her eyes darkened, finding fury beyond the fear. "And I am very tired of being afraid."

Emily flickered her father's troublemaking grin. "Then let's be fearless."

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