Chapter 278: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Lizavet gathered the coals from a small cup and whispered to them, building a small fire pit, singing a native song. Emily curled into her pain, trying to keep it under control. Tears filled her dark eyes.

Lizavet noticed. "It is more than physical pain?"

Emily nodded. "I hate being weak. I hate needing attention!"

"You have seven gashes on your body from fighting evil, Emily," Lizavet murmured. "That is far from weakness."

Emily looked up. "Seven? Like the number of the swords?"

"Yes. The apkallu have six clawed fingers and there is a gash on your neck." Lizavet searched in her pack. "I will have to make more medicine."

"We... I... used it all? Didn't we have more?.... Did I use it all?"

"I threw it on a wounded apkallu and the creature dissipated," Lizavet answered. "It was not you."

Emily drew further into herself. "It was probably while you were trying to rescue me."

"Rescue?" Lizavet asked. "Emily - you were never helpless. You were stronger than I."

Lizavet took a small clay pot.

"Did you make that?" Emily asked, noticing the pot. "I've seen ancient ones like that before."

Lizavet smiled. "It is one of the memories from my village. And yes, I have had to make many things in the wilderness. But there is always provision." She stood. "I must search. You rest. Without shame or guilt."

"Lizavet?"Emily asked. "Why am I stronger than you? How could you say that after all the horrible abuse your country put your people through?"

"I have had many years of this. Many small things at first. You have had my experiences all at once." She paused. "It is not a good thing that we should compare our fears and traumas, or our wounds. They are what they are. And they will get smaller as they heal. I have only had more practice in healing. You have had a foundation in care from your father. I have watched him value you. And it is a challenge for me to see my value."

"I understand that too." Emily replied, "I think... I think I got pieces of it when I had the scars. And people were upset and making my life miserable." She blinked. "I hate to ask - but will I be safe alone?"

Lizavet looked around. "Yes. Are the herbals wearing off?"

"Yeah. I'm exhausted."

"I will be within shouting distance," Lizavet reassured Emily. "Don't be afraid to call for me, Little Sister."

Emily blinked. "You're... calling me...?"

"Little sister..." Lizavet finished as Emily fell asleep.

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