Chapter 303: Cave, Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Emily elegantly leapt forward in a fearless motion. Her boots skidded on the ice. The bones and sinew gave under her weight, as the ice fanned out in a glorious glowing webbed pattern. She shifted her weight slightly to the side propelling herself forward.

The bridged bucked in a wave like motion, rippling outward. Emily moved in a zig-zag pattern and took a flying leap as she reached the end. Her body folded into a roll and she came up standing, ready to fight, Indy's grin across her face.

Indy shook his head in admiration. "Lovely, Em. Guess those dance lessons I gave you paid off."

Shorty stared at Indy. "You can dance?"

"When I'm not wearing hobnailed boots," Indy replied. "At least according to Marion."

Emily grinned, looking across the bridge, her hands on her hips, just like Marion. "I bet there's a story there."

"There is. Ask your mother." Indy eyed the bridge. "I'm outta practice."

Indy bolted onto the bridge, hoping to cascade across it at a run. His knees-first run, sent him careening forward and into a spin. He righted himself, feeling the hobnails on his boots slip from into chaos. Then a memory flickered up. He grinned, seeing Marion in a blue dress, sassing his lack of skills. "Gotta find the right partner," he told her.

Indy shifted his weight, still in the memory, spun Marion and skidded off the bridge, grabbed Emily by the waist and tipped her backward, spinning her in a circle, his uninjured arm supporting most of her weight in the dance move. Emily laughed. Indy righted her gently. "Aw... that's my girl."

Shorty stared Indy, and then Lizavet. "Ok."

He backed up, took a running start and flung himself across the bridge, leaning forward, shoulders back, trying not to flail. He hit the opposite side, nearly tripped and Indy caught him.

"Thanks, Dad!" Shorty shuddered standing up. "I think if I'd fallen I would have cut open my chin."

"You'd be in good company," Indy grinned, pointing at his own scarred chin. He looked up as the lights were fading. "Lizavet?"

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