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I can't say that nothing happened in that shower.Because let's be honest something definitely happened in that shower.

A lot of touching and kissing.Leighton naked is a complete distraction in itself.I couldn't help myself.

She should be lucky that I didn't leave any hickeys.

The second we come down ,Leighton frowns.

Emilia was sitting down talking to Levi."So how's was the seeing aunt and uncle"Levi says looking up.

Leighton ignores him completely and sits down at the table."Fine".

He looks at her sadly before turning back to Emilia.I walk into the kitchen and my eyes go wide.

"Woah you guys made all of this?!?".

Quinn smirks and says "You guys were in the shower for a bit".

My eyes go wide and Leighton rolls her eyes."Not that it is your business but we didn't anything in the shower".

"I find that hard to believe".

"Well believe it or not.I don't care"Leighton states.

I raise my eyebrow as Quinn looks at me.Leighton has been acting weird.And I'm not talking about last night.

Im talking about ever since..Emilia started here.I mean I know that Leigh doesn't like her but..this was different.

It wasn't like she was jealous.At least I don't think it was because of that.

From what Quinn had to told me,Leighton has been HBIC of Chessell since freshman year.

There would always be a girl who starts that thinks they can take the it girl from Leighton.But come on.

Its Leighton Harper we're talking about.Half of Chessell's woman populate wanted to be her and the other half wanted to date her.

It's just the kind of attention that Leighton brought.I guess I should be lucky to have her.But still..she had no reason to be jealous.

And it wasn't just the fact she was acting a little jealous either.

She was acting a lot more moody than usual.

"Is it almost done?"I ask.

"Yep.Just need to finish the eggs and I'm done".

I nod my head and watch as Leighton gets on her phone.I really wanted to give the space she needs.

But something tells me that it was just the tip of the iceberg.

Two days later

"I'm excited as hell for this party.If Leigh hosted it,It's obviously going to be good"Avery says.

I didn't want to even go to this party.Ever since I got that letter,my mind has been everywhere.Next thing I knew it,it was time for the party.

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