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I take a deep breathe as I clench the table.I watch as a group of 5 people look at me.

"Whenever you are ready, Leighton"The leader says.

I close my eyes before slowly opening them."My name is Leighton Harper.And im a sexual assault survivor".

"Hi Leighton"they all say.

"And when I was 12 years old I was sexually assaulted by my cousin who is a year older than me".

I pause to look up and my eyes go wide.My parents were sitting down beside Levi and Spencer who had a soft smile on her face.

"I was scared that he would tell my parents and they wouldn't believe me.It all started when my dads side of the family found out I was gay.They tried different methods to convert me back to..'normal'  as they would say".
"And when that didn't work they let Kai try.I never told anyone about it beside my best friend because well..I felt weak.I didn't want my parents thinking differently of me because I let it happen".

The group leader,Sarah, leans forward to put her hand on mine.

"None of this is your fault Leighton.Don't ever think was you".I nod my head continue.

"So I pushed myself away from people because I thought that they would hurt me like he did.Turns out my ex-girlfriend had a thing for Italian girls".
The group smiles and I shrug.

"Turns out I did too because I started dating her".

The crowd laughs as Spencer blushes softly."And she's the best thing that's ever happened to me.I learned a lot with being with her.One thing is being about to share my story.I wanted to be better not just for her but for myself.It was eating me alive to not be able to get it off my chest".

"Thank you Leighton"They all say.

They all clap and I nod my head before sitting down."Thank you for sharing your story, seems that things are looking up for you".

I nod my head and Sarah turns around to the next person.

"I'm proud of you Leigh"Levi says smiling.

He hugs me tightly and I groan."Ew no. we have never done this before it feels weird".

Levi moves back and looks ten sadly."You do that with Spencer all the time.I can't hug you?".

"Do you have rack of nice soft ti-".

Spencer covers my mouth and smiles at Levi."Please ignore your cousin.You know how she can get".

"Like a virgin around you.Yes,I know".

Spencer smirks and asks "hows my sister?Don't you have a dinner to get ready for".

Levi smirks back at her and say"Don't you as well,Spence".

"I think we all do"Dad says walking over.

Today the Harpers,The Harringtons,The Moreaus, and the Cosimos were having dinner at an Italian restaurant.

Thats right the dinner That Emilia so happily wanted with Spencer is happening.

SWEET REVENGE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now