twenty - one

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The tension that filled the small confined space was almost unbearable, so thick and dense that you could cut a knife through it.

My sudden confidence from before, surprisingly, hasn't etched down yet and I'm still waiting for the perfect thing to say at the perfect moment.

My tongue was almost jumping to get out of my mouth and into his throat -


My tongue was almost jumping to get out of my mouth to take my chance and give him the treatment he deserved (k that didn't sound better oh) and by that, I mean to talk to him and torture him like he did to me.

Because I know I've always seemed like the nice girl, the innocent one who can get beat down easily; well, I'm actually not always like that. I can bite back if I have to, I use to do that all the time - when I didn't even have to.

I learnt self control and peace before I met the other three girls and began my life at that retched high school. No one, and I mean no one knows about my past and about what I've been through and I'm fine with keeping it that way.

But, by knowing inner peace, I've grown to convince myself that I can't do that. And I'm a bigger person for it.

"I'd rather see my grandma naked then be here with you." He scoffs.

"Ew, that's just messed up." I cringed. "No wait, you're messed up."

He scoffs. "Oh, yeah, cause you're no annoying bitch - right?"

His words were soaked in sarcasm, his glare was holding onto me like an obsessed monkey -

Wait, that doesn't make sense.

"Actually," I state, looking up at him. "I'm not really. I, atleast, don't pick and bully on people and I don't talk about sex like some sort of religion - So, I'd suggest you to think about what you're saying clearer."

"Have you heard yourself?" He scoffs. "You sound like you're speaking off a fucking book."

"No, actually." I spat. "I just don't swear like a sailor!"

"Well, fuck you." He rolled his eyes, dragging out the 'u'.

"See!" I groan, making a point.

"I already fucking know I swear," He says. "I don't need you reminding me. I'm aware of my commentations."

I'm not sure what it was about being sarcastic and mocking 'my' tone, but I didn't like it which somehow made my anger boil up.

"You know what Ashton?!" I yell, he doesn't react. "You're just a fucking asshole who has no fucking good thing to say about anything! It's like being fucking normal and nice would goddamn kill you or some shit! What the fuck?!"

He still doesn't seem affected, lazy eyes staring at me whilst I crossed my arms over my chest like a child.

"So," He spoke cooly - too cooly. "You want me to be nice? You want to be friends, is that it? Just to keep us on steady grounds? You wanna play some fucking games?"

I gulped at his suddenly menacing voice, not knowing what to say.

I don't exactly ever want to be friends with him - I don't. But his voice doesn't seem sarcastic or joking.

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