thirty - three

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please listen to 'Ho Hey' by the lumineers when/before reading this chapter to put you in the mood:)


- Ashton's POV

After about fifteen the men managed to get us out of the elevator, pulling us out to freedom, along with Danny of course.

I had mini rant to the men about not having an emergency button in there, only to have Danny calm me down, telling me it wasn't their fault.

I was honestly confused with myself how easily I have into myself when it came to Danny, in all honesty, I felt like she was the most important person in the world.

Besides my mother.

I helped her into the lobby carefully because of her sudden dead leg and the dribbles of blood coming down her legs - which only made my nose scrunch in disgust.

One of the men asked what the puddle of blood in the elevator was and panicked to help whatever 'injuries' we had, which only caused Danny to go a crimson red in embarrasment - which I found adorable - and bashfully confessing to them it was a 'womenly time of the month'.

I wanted to punch them in their fucking throats for making Danny have to embarass herself like that.

Only having her relax me again by giving my arm a gentle squeeze.

Her touch erupted so called 'butterflies' in my stomach, but I didn't like the sound of that - it wasn't very manly.

They were spiders. Manly spiders.

Oh god, no. I hate spiders, maybe moths. Yeah, manly moths.

Are you seriously having this fucking coversation with yourself?

What happened, Ash?

Why are you being such a pussy all of a sudden?

I pushed the voice to the back of my head, where it usually was anyway, and focused on the girl at my side who was obeying the man giving her a quick check up - even when it wasn't necessary.

I didn't exactly like the man's hands touching her.

I felt a weird sensation take over my body and I was quick to assume what it was, it was just foreignness that my body wasn't used to.

A strong feeling of like towards someone.

It may seem impossible for me to like Danny after basically torturing her and reminding her how much I despised her every day.

But being stuck in a goddamn elevator has made me realize a hell of a lot - main of which, I'm an asshole.

And I have been for months.

Reading what she had to say about how I made her feel like shit made me feel like shit.

I used to be bullied too, and I always swore that I'd never conflict pain against others the same as the pain that was once conflicted on me.

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