twenty - three

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"Do you or did you self harm?"

On instinct, I pulled my sleeves down and over my fists to give myself sweater paws, just to make sure Ashton wouldn't even try to see anything above my finger tips.

I didn't know what to say, I wasn't a liar but I wasn't going to trust him.

Did I self harm? Yeah.

Do I self harm? No.

Am I willing to explain to him why? Nope.

Am I willing to trust him? Hell no.

I scolded myself mentally for even bringing up the fact that we should try and be friends, I scolded myself for not asking What do you mean by games?

I also scolded myself for even having anything to hide or lie about, I scolded myself for not taking the stairs as soon as I saw Ashton enter the elevator, I scolded myself for even living in the goddamn apartment building.

But it's all my fault.

It's always my fault.

Why would he ask that though? Did he see? Why would he even be interested?

No, he assumed it from your journal.

And, I scolded myself for even taking out the journal from my bag.

Why can't you do anything right?

Stop. Stop it. Stop. Stop.

Not again.

I can't let them back, I can't let them back.

"You can't let who back?" Ashton asked me, awakening me from my frightful fears.

Shit. I mumbled again.

"N-No one." I blubbered. "Next question."

"You never answered mine." He pointed out.

"I don't want to." I shrugged, pushing away my nervousness.

"Well, I want you to." He said, his voice seeming altered.

"Well, I don't do what you tell me to." I spat. "Next question."

"Fine." He sighed in defeat.

You won't keep him stalled for long.

Shut up.



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