Chapter 1. My chattel

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"Seungcheol you know I am serious about this"

The familiar voice of his mother rings in his head and keeps replaying making the muscled man more frustrated than ever.

Seungcheol, known as Choi Seungcheol, the eldest heir of the Choi family, was seething with frustration. He had just ended a call with his family, and the pressure to get married was suffocating him. Slamming his hand on the table, he cursed under his breath, "Fucking hell!"

His family, especially his mother, constantly nagged him about settling down. In the Choi household, the tradition dictated that the firstborn son had to marry before inheriting the CEO position at the family company. Seungcheol, however, was determined to marry on his own terms, not succumbing to the expectations forced upon him.

But the situation was far from ideal. His younger brother, Mingyu, was also in the running for the CEO position. The competition between them only added fuel to the fire, intensifying the pressure on Seungcheol to find a suitable partner.

Seungcheol reached for the abandoned cigarette on the table, his fingers trembling with frustration. He brought it to his lips, taking a long drag, hoping to find some solace in the nicotine. The smoke filled his lungs, momentarily calming his racing thoughts.

As he exhaled, he pondered his predicament. He had always been a rebel within the family, refusing to conform to their expectations. Seungcheol was determined to prove himself worthy of the CEO position, not just because of his birthright but because of his capabilities and dedication.

But his mother's constant interference and the pressure to settle down threatened to derail his plans. He knew he had to find a way to assert his independence and prove to his family that he was more than capable of leading the company.

"I need to do something before this shit gets out of hand,"  Seungcheol muttered under his breath, his eyes fixated on the cell phone resting on his desk. With a determined expression, he reached forward and firmly grasped the device.

Leaning back in his chair, Seungcheol allowed himself a moment to relax before his fingers began to punch in the number of his best friend. The urgency in his actions was palpable as he sought a solution to the impending chaos.

After a few rings, his best friend, Jihoon, answers the phone. "Hey, Seungcheol, what's up?" Jihoon asks.

"Ji, my mom is really pressuring me about getting married, and this time it seems like she's serious. Mingyu is even planning to introduce his boyfriend at the upcoming family gathering, and if he finds a partner before me, despite me being older, he'll get the CEO position. I've worked so hard for this opportunity, so please, I need your help. Can you find someone who can pretend to be my husband at the family gathering?" Seungcheol confides in Jihoon, knowing that he has always been his go-to person for support and guidance.

Jihoon sighs, "Seungcheol, you know I can't just find someone to play your husband for a family gathering. That's not fair to them or to Mingyu's boyfriend. And besides, you shouldn't be trying to compete with your brother for the CEO position. You should be working hard for it because you want it for yourself, not just to beat him."

Seungcheol groaned loudly, his impatience seeping through his words. "Ji, don't you think I already know that? I do! But honestly, I couldn't care less. The company is rightfully mine, and I won't hesitate to push Mingyu down if that's what it takes to achieve it." Jihoon couldn't help but feel a mix of disappointment and concern at Seungcheol's words.

Taking a deep breath, Jihoon tried to reason with his friend. "Seungcheol, I understand your determination, but there's a better way to go about this. Instead of resorting to underhanded tactics, focus on showcasing your own abilities and proving your worth. It's important to earn the position on your own merit, not by bringing others down."

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