Chapter 54. My home is back

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The car glides to a halt in front of the imposing mansion, its grandeur casting a shadow over the occupants inside. Jeonghan steps out first, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and trepidation as he gazes up at the familiar sight of the Choi estate. It's a moment of déjà vu, standing before the mansion once again, a stark reminder of the events that unfolded just a week ago.

The memory of the party and its aftermath plays on a loop in Jeonghan's mind, each moment etched with the pain of separation and the longing to reconcile with Seungcheol. Though only a week has passed, it feels like a lifetime since they were last together, the distance between them stretching like an eternity.

"Let's go," Jaemin's voice breaks through Jeonghan's reverie, pulling him back to the present. He locks the car and tucks the keys into his pocket, while Mina walks beside him, clutching a bouquet and a basket of fruits as a peace offering. Jeonghan takes a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart as he walks beside his father, his steps measured and controlled despite the tumult of emotions raging within him.

The doorbell chimes, and Jeonghan holds his breath, the sound of the lock clicking signaling the opening of the door. Sohee stands before them, her expression initially shocked before breaking into a radiant smile as she throws herself into Jeonghan's arms. Tears glisten like diamonds in her eyes as she welcomes them inside.

"Jeonghan! You're back!" Sohee's voice is filled with joy as she embraces him tightly, her relief palpable.

Jeonghan laughs amidst his tears as he follows Sohee inside, his heart lighter knowing he's surrounded by loved ones once again. Jaemin watches his son with a sense of peace washing over him, reassured by the sound of Jeonghan's laughter. Nothing matters more to him than Jeonghan's happiness, not even his own lingering anger. He hands the bouquet to Sohee, who nods gratefully before turning her attention back to Jeonghan.

"My goodness, it feels like a dream... you're back," Sohee says, cupping Jeonghan's cheeks tenderly, her eyes filled with affection.

"Where is he? Seungcheol? I want to see him--"

"In his room..." sohee's words are barely out before jeonghan's already darting away from Sohee towards the stairs, his eagerness palpable.

Jeonghan's lungs burn with the effort as he races up the stairs, the anticipation of seeing Seungcheol driving him forward. He reaches their familiar bedroom door, his heart pounding with excitement as he pauses to catch his breath. With a huge smile plastered on his face, he pushes open the door, revealing Seungcheol sitting in a rocking armchair.

"Cheol..." Jeonghan's voice rings out, causing Seungcheol to halt the rocking and turn towards him, a cigarette slipping from his grasp as he rises to his feet, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Jeonghan!" Seungcheol's breath catches in his throat as he rushes forward, engulfing Jeonghan in a tight embrace.

"You—you're back, my love," Seungcheol's voice trembles with emotion as tears fill his eyes, his hands trembling against Jeonghan's frame.

"Yes, I'm back. And I won't leave you again, never," Jeonghan's words are filled with conviction as he pulls Seungcheol into another hug, their love radiating between them.

Seungcheol laughs through his tears, lifting Jeonghan up and holding him close, his heart overflowing with joy and relief.

"You're back! You really are, right?" Jeonghan's laughter rings out, his grip on Seungcheol's shoulder firm, knowing that Seungcheol will always be there to catch him, no matter what.

"Yes" Jeonghan says and Seungcheol lowers him, still holding his close to his heart as he stares at Jeonghan's eyes.

"Yes," Jeonghan says softly, his voice barely a whisper, yet filled with an undeniable sense of determination and commitment. Seungcheol lowers him gently, but he keeps him close, cradling him against his chest as he gazes deeply into Jeonghan's eyes.

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