Chapter 33. KinShip Ties

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Wonwoo's heart pounds in his chest as the door slams, the serum bottle slipping from his grasp. He pivots swiftly to find Mingyu, whose entrance exudes a palpable disturbance. Rising from his seat, Wonwoo approaches with concern etched across his face.

"What's wrong?" he inquires, eyes searching Mingyu's troubled expression.

Mingyu's gaze, like a stormy cloud, fixates menacingly on the couch. His mind echoes with the disconcerting echoes of a conversation between Seungcheol and Jeonghan in their room.

"Hyori gave that bracelet to Jeonghan," Mingyu mutters, his jaw clenched with an intensity that reverberates through the room.

Wonwoo freezes, the air thickening with tension. "But you said she knows Jeonghan isn't Seungcheol's real husband. How is this possible?" he questions, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"She does, but I don't know why she did that," Mingyu responds, closing his eyes and exhaling frustration. The room hangs heavy with unspoken concerns, leaving Wonwoo grappling with the unsettling puzzle before them.

A heavy silence envelops the room, a tense stillness amplifying the palpable emotions swirling between the two men. Wonwoo's mind races, grappling with a blend of disbelief and concern, his expression a canvas of mixed emotions. In stark contrast, Mingyu seethes with anger and jealousy, his brooding presence casting a shadow over the room.

In the dimly lit room, the silence of midnight is interrupted by Jeonghan's restless movements. His eyes, heavy with uneasiness, clack open, searching for solace in the obsidian night. The clock's relentless march toward midnight echoes the quiet turmoil within him.

Shifting on the bed, Jeonghan's gaze fixates on the silhouette of Seungcheol, his strong arms draped around Jeonghan's waist. A tender smile graces Jeonghan's lips as he delicately traces the contours of Seungcheol's hand, momentarily lost in the warmth of their shared space.

However, the yearning for solitude pulls him away. With a silent determination, Jeonghan frees himself from Seungcheol's gentle embrace, the room momentarily losing its cocoon of intimacy. As he stands, a lone figure in the night, Jeonghan makes his way to the door, craving the cool embrace of the night air, leaving behind the tranquil sanctuary of their shared space.

"Huh, whats this?", Jeonghan's curiosity is piqued by the open door, drawing him closer with an intrigue that overrides the late hour. As he steps inside, the soft glow of the room reveals Vernon near the coffee stall, engrossed in the ritual of brewing coffee.

"Vernon?" Jeonghan's voice cuts through the stillness, a hesitant curiosity in his tone, aware of Vernon's usual reluctance towards his company. Vernon, caught off guard, turns abruptly, his demeanor a blend of disinterest and an underlying curiosity.

"What are you doing this late?"

Their exchange is a delicate dance of words in the quiet night. Jeonghan, sensing an unusual vulnerability in Vernon, takes a step forward. Vernon, gesturing towards the coffee machine, communicates without words, and realization dawns on Jeonghan.

The quiet of the dining hall becomes a canvas for unspoken thoughts as Jeonghan settles into a seat, hands wrapped around the warmth of the coffee cup. Vernon, approaching with another cup in hand, breaks the silence.

"What are you doing this late?" Vernon's disinterested yet curious tone accompanies the offering of a second cup, a silent peace offering.

"Thank you," Jeonghan mutters, his breath a soft acknowledgment as he accepts the coffee. Sipping the warm brew, he answers, "I was just strolling around; sleep is being difficult tonight."

Vernon's admission surprises Jeonghan, who hums appreciatively at the taste of the coffee, finding solace in its warmth. Vernon, opening up further, confesses, "I have a stupid habit of drinking coffee before going to sleep."

Jeonghan, masking his shock, nods in understanding. The room is filled with a tranquil aura as the two men find an unexpected companionship in the quiet of the night.

Vernon, breaking the silence, murmurs, "You know, I don't hate you or something." Jeonghan glances up, startled by the softness in Vernon's voice.

"It's just the time right now is wrong, and every right thing that happens along with it seems to be wrong too," Vernon reveals, his words lingering in the air like a whisper of shared vulnerability between two souls navigating the complexities of the night.

"Seungcheol appears to be smiling now, wearing the same expression he did years ago", Vernon whispers. The crickets voices crescendo around the corner as Jeonghan directs all his attention toward Vernon.

"It might seem crazy to hear, but you seem to have brightened up his life a little," Vernon asserts, looking into Jeonghan's eyes. "And I'm happy that you did; he deserves it. He deserves all the happiness in the world."

Jeonghan, quiet and unable to find words, responds with a small smile to Vernon's observation.

"It's getting late; I should probably sleep," Vernon announces, standing up and grabbing his cup as he starts to make his way towards the door. Jeonghan's frame relaxes as he leans back in the chair, watching Vernon walk out and disappear from the room.

Jeonghan's breath synchronizes with the sound of crickets outside as he stares at the empty chair in front of him.

"This house seems to have more hidden secrets than it shows," Jeonghan thinks as he hurries to finish his coffee.



I didn't know what to write so wrote a family filler/boring chapter! Lol forgive me

Btw, how's the story so far? A big plot twist is coming on the way...? Guess it!

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