Chapter 45. You are beautiful

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Seungcheol and Jeonghan, their entire frames soaked from the relentless rain, stepped inside the house, inadvertently trailing mud and water in their wake. Hand in hand, they navigated the dimly lit corridor, their clothes clinging to their bodies as they moved towards each other.

"I think I am going to catch—" Jeonghan's sentence is abruptly interrupted by a loud sneeze, echoing through the room. Seungcheol's laughter fills the air as he gently lifts Jeonghan into his arms, eliciting a surprised squeak from the latter.

"You did catch the cold, baby," Seungcheol smiles warmly, navigating the stairs with care. "Put me down. What if someone sees us?" Jeonghan's cheeks burn with a deep blush, his fingers clutching onto Seungcheol's collar for support as they ascend, their intertwined figures a portrait of affection in motion.

"Let them," Seungcheol says with an air of indifference, his steps steady as he carries Jeonghan up the stairs. Jeonghan, enveloped in a serene silence, wears a gentle smile on his lips, his eyes fixed on the man cradling him—the man who possesses his heart. Seungcheol's gaze, like an endless expanse of stars, holds the universe within, a reflection of the love he feels for Jeonghan.

In that moment, as they ascend together, Seungcheol is not just a man but Jeonghan's entire world.----His man.

"Get your clothes ready, I'll run the warm bath for you in the meantime, yeah?" Seungcheol says, gently placing Jeonghan down as they enter their bedroom. Jeonghan chuckles, playfully booping Seungcheol's nose. "Okay," he responds, then heads towards the closet to retrieve his clothes.

Seungcheol's gaze, heavy with exhaustion, follows Jeonghan's purposeful stride towards the closet, his movements like poetry in motion. With a deliberate grace, Seungcheol peels off his shirt, each muscle beneath his taut skin rippling with a silent strength as he stretches his weary arms, seeking relief. The sound of the faucet fills the air, a comforting rush as warm water cascades into the waiting bathtub, promising solace for his aching body.

With a practiced ease born of routine, Seungcheol's hands deftly navigate the drawer, retrieving the cherry bath bomb, a splash of color against the monochrome backdrop of his exhaustion. Feeling the weight of water-soaked fabric clinging to his legs, he decides to exchange it for a robe, the fabric embracing his form like a gentle caress. With a weary sigh, he secures the robe around his waist, its slit teasingly revealing glimpses of his chiseled chest, a silent testament to the resilience of his body and the burdens he bears.

Jeonghan entered the bathroom, the scent of steam and soap enveloping him as he cradled the fresh clothes in his arms. With deliberate care, he set them aside, his gaze drawn irresistibly to Seungcheol standing before the shower, clad in a pristine white robe. Seungcheol's damp hair, caught between states of dryness and moisture, lent him an air of effortless allure.

With a mischievous grin playing at his lips, Jeonghan shed his own clothing, the fabric sliding off his skin like a whisper, before enveloping himself in the soft embrace of his own robe. With each step toward Seungcheol, the anticipation in the air crackled with a tangible energy, promising moments of intimacy and connection yet to unfold.

"Hi," Jeonghan's voice, like a sweet melody, reverberated through the air, drawing Seungcheol's attention effortlessly.

Seungcheol instinctively turned, his gaze meeting Jeonghan's as he discovered the sight of his beloved, arms draped delicately around his waist in a tender back embrace. Jeonghan's expression was a canvas of mischief, a playful grin adorning his lips, while his fluttering eyelashes added a touch of coy allure to his gaze, igniting a spark of anticipation in the air.

"Hi," Seungcheol reciprocated with a warm smile, his heart swelling with affection as he engaged in their playful exchange. With Jeonghan still securely nestled in his embrace, Seungcheol gracefully turned around, ensuring their connection remained unbroken.

As their bodies swiveled in unison, Seungcheol's embrace tightened, enfolding Jeonghan in a cocoon of warmth and reassurance. His own arms, initially cradled by Jeonghan's, now rose to reciprocate the embrace, encircling Jeonghan's waist with a gentle, possessive hold.

In this tender embrace, their love flourished, each touch and gesture a testament to the depth of their bond. Their connection deepened with each passing moment, as they reveled in the intimacy of their shared embrace, their hearts beating in harmony, echoing the love and devotion they held for one another.

"Do you even know how utterly breathtaking you look right now?" Seungcheol's husky voice whispered out, a soft warmth caressing Jeonghan's skin as he leaned in, their foreheads gently touching. In the intimate space of the bathroom, the air seemed to thicken with desire, the steam swirling around them like a veil as Seungcheol's presence enveloped Jeonghan in a cocoon of heat.

"I don't..." Jeonghan murmured softly, his lashes fluttering closed in response to Seungcheol's tender affection. A gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips as Seungcheol pressed a tender kiss to the tip of his nose before descending to capture his lips in a sweet, lingering embrace. The sensation sent a wave of warmth coursing through Jeonghan's veins, igniting a fire of longing within him.

"Do you want me to show you?" Seungcheol's warm breath ghosted against Jeonghan's neck, his lips brushing tantalizingly against the sensitive skin. Jeonghan's breath hitched as a soft hiss escaped his lips, the sensation of Seungcheol's tongue grazing lightly over his exposed neck sending shivers down his spine. Each touch, each whisper, filled him with a heady sense of desire, his body responding instinctively to Seungcheol's intoxicating presence.

In response to Seungcheol's whispered question, Jeonghan hummed softly, the sound a delicate melody of longing and anticipation. His response earned him a playful nip from Seungcheol, who then effortlessly lifted Jeonghan into his arms, encouraging him to wrap his legs around his waist. The feeling of Seungcheol's strong arms holding him close, supporting him effortlessly, filled Jeonghan with a sense of security and belonging.

"Use your words, baby," Seungcheol murmured against Jeonghan's skin, his voice a gentle caress that sent shivers down Jeonghan's spine. As Seungcheol pulled back slightly, his lips trailed feather-light kisses along Jeonghan's jawline, each touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake.

"Yes..." Jeonghan breathed out, his voice barely above a whisper as he tilted his head back slightly, offering himself fully to Seungcheol's tender ministrations. As Seungcheol carried him towards the bathroom door, Jeonghan's heart raced with anticipation, his senses heightened by the promise of what was to come.

"I suppose your bath can wait," Seungcheol mused, his voice filled with tenderness and adoration as he whispered, "Let me show you just how incredibly beautiful you are, my love." And in that moment, as Seungcheol's words washed over him like a soothing balm, Jeonghan knew that he was exactly where he belonged, wrapped in the arms of the one who saw him for the beautiful soul that he was.



Truthfully there wasn't going to be any smut scenes but that's what makes a book more readable (?) I guess? So here it is! (Next chapter will be uploaded next year 🤡)

As many of you know (arrange marriage readers) that I'm not very good at writing Smuts so please bare with me 🥲🥹

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