Chapter 5. Sassy & Iconic

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Jihoon and Jeonghan cautiously entered Seungcheol's cabin, their eyes scanning the room for any sign of their friend. The space felt strangely empty, devoid of Seungcheol's usual presence. Confusion clouded Jihoon's mind as he muttered to himself, "Where is he?"

Allowing Jeonghan to step inside, Jihoon's gaze wandered around the room, searching for any clue as to Seungcheol's whereabouts. After a few minutes of silence, Jihoon's attention was suddenly drawn to the sound of the door clicking open. His eyes widened as he watched Seungcheol emerge from his office restroom.

Jeonghan, who had been captivated by the elegance of the office, turned around at the sound of the door, only to be taken aback by the sight before him. A man, almost the same age as him, stood there with his bare chest exposed, wearing only formal pants. The unexpected display of skin caused Jeonghan's thoughts to escape his lips without warning, "Fuck, he's so hot."

Both Jihoon and Seungcheol turned their heads towards Jeonghan, their expressions a mix of surprise and amusement. Jeonghan's face flushed with embarrassment as he quickly realized he had voiced his inner thoughts aloud. He turned towards Jihoon, his gaze slightly apologetic.

Breaking the silence, Jihoon couldn't help but address Seungcheol's half-naked state. "Seungcheol, what the fuck are you roaming around half-naked for?" His tone held a mix of annoyance and concern.

Seungcheol, seemingly unfazed by the attention, walked towards his closet and grabbed a shirt. As he buttoned it up, his eyes subtly traced over Jeonghan's lean figure, a hint of admiration glimmering in his gaze. "I accidentally spilled water all over myself and had to change," Seungcheol explained casually, his voice tinged with a touch of mischief.

"Where is Hoshi?" Seungcheol inquired, his voice carrying a hint of concern as he approached the sofa, motioning for Jihoon and Jeonghan to take a seat.

"He went out for some work," Jihoon responded, filling in for his husband's absence. Seungcheol nodded, his gaze shifting to the slim figure beside Jihoon.

Seungcheol's eyes traveled from Jeonghan's bob-length hair to his smooth neck, catching a glimpse of his chest through the open collar of his black silk tie knot design shirt. His attention then shifted to Jeonghan's small waist, following the perfect curve of his hips down to his thick yet slender thighs and legs. Jeonghan's physique was undeniably flawless.

"This is Jeonghan, my friend from Canada," Jihoon introduced, "and he will be staying for a month. He has agreed to play the role of being a fake husband to you." Seungcheol nodded, processing the information.

"Are you sure he can do this--"

"I am more than capable,"

Jeonghan interrupted, a smirk playing on his lips as he leaned back on the couch. His left leg swung over his right one, and he locked eyes with Seungcheol, a seductive gaze emanating from his eyes.

Seungcheol clicked his tongue in disapproval at Jeonghan's impolite behavior but managed to control himself. He needed Jeonghan to secure the position of CEO, even if it meant tolerating a brat with no manners and a sharp tongue.

Clearing his throat, Seungcheol reached for the telephone on the table, the weight of the situation settling upon him. "What would you both like to have?" he asked, his fingers dialing the numbers on the telephone.


"A black bean noodles for me and a chicken soup for Jihoon, thank you," Jeonghan interjected, beating Jihoon to the response. He plastered a smile on his face, his eyes fixed on Seungcheol. The way Jeonghan effortlessly took charge grated on Seungcheol's nerves. How was he supposed to handle this man being his fake husband?

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