Chapter 24. Bikes and dialogues?

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Seungcheol hurriedly strides through the family parking area, his determination evident in every hasty step. The focal point of his attention is Chan's bike, nestled at the far end like a revered artifact, reserved exclusively for the latter's use. However, today, Seungcheol claims it, a symbolic gesture as he inserts the key into the ignition.

With a decisive twist, the engine roars to life, resonating with a powerful growl. Seungcheol, now mounted on the bike, deftly engages the clutch and triggers the on button. The machine responds obediently, propelling him forward with a spirited surge. The sound of the revving engine fills the parking lot as Seungcheol maneuvers toward the exit gate.

His eyes, momentarily diverted from the road, capture the striking image of Jeonghan standing at the gate entrance. Dressed impeccably, Jeonghan exudes an effortless charm, a captivating figure against the backdrop of the familial parking area. The contrast between the robust motorcycle beneath Seungcheol and the poised elegance of Jeonghan creates a scene that encapsulates the diverse facets of their lives.

Jeonghan's gaze sharpens at the reverberating growl of Seungcheol's motorcycle, his attention immediately drawn to the powerful sound. Seungcheol, a grin playing on his lips, hands Jeonghan a helmet, and a playful smirk dances across Jeonghan's face as he edges closer.

"Get on," Seungcheol instructs, prompting Jeonghan's teasing remark, "Feeling a little Kabir Singh, are we?" He accepts the helmet with a smirk, inching closer to Seungcheol, their camaraderie evident.

"I'd rather be your Captain Vikram Batra than Kabir," Seungcheol responds, eliciting a gasp from Jeonghan, who eagerly complies, getting on the bike. As they ride, Jeonghan, surprised, exclaims, "You've watched it? Oh my god!" Excitement brims in Jeonghan's voice as he places his hands on Seungcheol's shoulders, and Seungcheol chuckles, the engine's rumble blending with their shared laughter in the wind.

Seungcheol's voice carries a hint of amusement as he directs Jeonghan's attention away from his shoulders. "You might want to hold onto something safer than my shoulders," he suggests, nodding towards Jeonghan's hands resting on his shoulders. In response, Jeonghan wears a smug expression.

"Just tell you want me to hug you from the back, don't you?" he teases, sliding his hands down to Seungcheol's waist, fingers tightly gripping the leather jacket. A playful banter weaves between them as they prepare for the ride.

"Hold me tight if you don't want to fly away," Seungcheol advises, the stand hitting the ground as he ignites the engine. Jeonghan, brimming with confidence, flirts back, "Pretty sure you would not let me fly away this easily, baby." With that, they embark on their journey, the hum of the bike harmonizing with the playful exchange, as they set out to explore the town together.

Amidst the roar of the engine, Seungcheol and Jeonghan navigated the thoroughfares of Daegu, their connection palpable with every twist and turn. The town revealed its multifaceted beauty—a juxtaposition of towering traditional houses adorned with a modern allure, presenting a city that gracefully embraced its heritage and evolution.

The verdant giants, the trees, stood sentinel along the route, their branches swaying to a natural rhythm, a silent dance partner to Jeonghan's infectious joy. His laughter, a melodic echo, resonated through the wind, intertwining with the vibrant atmosphere that surrounded them.

Seungcheol's expert handling of the bike transformed the ride into an artful performance. A playful zigzag maneuver added an exhilarating dimension to their journey, eliciting unrestrained delight from Jeonghan. "Woah! This is so much fun!" he exclaimed, his voice riding the currents of the robust wind.

As the dynamic duo ventured deeper into the heart of Daegu, the streets pulsated with life, a lively orchestra of the city's energy. The fusion of tradition and modernity painted a captivating picture, encapsulating the dynamic spirit and diverse character that defined the essence of their adventure.

The stillness in the midst of the traffic created a suspended moment, Seungcheol and Jeonghan caught in the intimacy of their proximity. Jeonghan's audible huffs and the subtle warmth of his head resting on Seungcheol's shoulder created a charged atmosphere. As the motorcycle's vibrations echoed through them, Seungcheol couldn't ignore the shiver that traversed his spine, his heart dancing to the rhythm of their shared connection.

A soft sigh escaped Jeonghan's lips, a delicate exhale that brushed against Seungcheol's neck, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. The closeness between them became a silent language, an unspoken acknowledgment of the uncharted territory their hearts were navigating.

Seungcheol, unable to resist the magnetic pull of the moment, adjusted the right mirror, offering a surreptitious glance at Jeonghan's face. A smile etched itself on Seungcheol's lips as he marveled at the details—the disheveled bangs beneath the helmet, lips adorned with a deeper hue from a subtle biting habit, and eyes that gleamed with an infectious excitement, capturing the ambient light in a mesmerizing dance.

Jeonghan's gaze wandered through the halted traffic, his eyes sparkling with a mix of curiosity and enthusiasm. The scene, frozen in time, painted a vivid portrait of their shared adventure, the urban landscape serving as a backdrop to a moment encapsulating the beauty of connection and the thrill of the unknown.

As the traffic light transitioned from red to green, a renewed vigor surged through Seungcheol, and the bike's engine roared back to life. Jeonghan, embracing Seungcheol's leather jacket, felt the vibrations beneath his fingertips, a tangible connection to the pulse of the machine.

"Let's go?" Seungcheol prompted, his voice carrying a blend of anticipation and readiness.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Jeonghan's response resonated with eagerness, their synchronized enthusiasm propelling them forward. The urban landscape blurred as they accelerated, effortlessly weaving through the vehicles on the road. The world around them became a dynamic canvas, their journey not merely a race but a harmonious dance with the rhythm of the road, a testament to the seamless bond between man and machine.



Sorry for this boring/filler chapter, next one is good I promise!

And who got the hint of the two movies ? 🫣🫣 (Indian carats)

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