Chapter 34. Knots and Buttons

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The soft hues of dawn spilled into the room, a gentle warmth enveloping everything. As Seungcheol stirred, a soft groan escaping his lips, the realization of a new day slowly settled in. His body, still cocooned in the remnants of sleep, stretched lazily, seeking the reassuring presence of Jeonghan beside him.

Anticipating the familiar warmth, Seungcheol's hands extended, only to retract abruptly as droplets of water danced over him. His eyes fluttered open, revealing Jeonghan leaning over him, a mischievous smile gracing his lips. Jeonghan's damp hair cascaded around his face, each water droplet catching the dawn's light like glistening morning dew.

"What's this?" Seungcheol inquired, a delightful blend of surprise and amusement evident in his voice. With a gentle swipe, he wiped away a stray droplet from his cheek, his fingers tingling from the unexpected touch of cool water. The room, now bathed in the soft hues of dawn, seemed to hum with a playful energy, enhancing the enchantment of their awakening.

Jeonghan's laughter, a sweet melody in the tranquil stillness of the early morning, echoed through the room. "Just a little wake-up call," he teased, his eyes sparkling with mischievous playfulness. The damp tendrils of his hair clung to his face, each droplet capturing the morning light like miniature diamonds. "Figured you could use a splash of excitement to start the day."

Seungcheol couldn't suppress his own laughter, the unexpected encounter creating a buoyant atmosphere that hung in the air. As they shared this lighthearted moment, the room seemed to resonate with the promise of a day yet to unfold, bathed in the soft glow of dawn's embrace.

"Come on now, get up! You need to get ready, get dressed so that we can embark on our day---," Jeonghan's plea ends abruptly with a surprised squeak as Seungcheol envelops him, arms securing around Jeonghan's waist, drawing him in closer.


"Wake up, dress up, and savor the anticipation," Seungcheol murmurs, his lips planting feathery kisses along Jeonghan's exposed neck. The fresh scent of his cologne saturates the air, and Seungcheol delicately nibbles, leaving a discreet mark as a sweet reminder of their intimate moment.

"Wait, don't leave a mark!" Jeonghan protests, gently pulling away from Seungcheol, who responds with a disappointed whine.

"Why?" Seungcheol questions.

"Because we're supposed to go shopping today, all of us, and everyone will see this mark on my neck," Jeonghan explains, outlining the day's schedule for the annual family gathering function.

"So? They'll find out you had a very good morning with me," Seungcheol retorts, a smirk playing on his lips as he pulls Jeonghan back in for a kiss. Jeonghan laughs heartily before reciprocating the kiss, the anticipation of the day's events adding a playful spark to their shared moment.



Jeonghan, breaking the sweet spell, shifted the conversation to a more practical matter. "Where's your dad?"

A sudden tension enveloped Seungcheol, his jaw clenching, and a fleeting freeze in his hold on Jeonghan betrayed an unspoken unease. The atmosphere shifted, leaving Jeonghan to wonder about the unspoken complexities lingering beneath the surface.

"I'll go and take a shower," Seungcheol mumbled, extracting himself from Jeonghan's embrace, leaving behind a void where warmth and playfulness had thrived. The bathroom door slammed shut, echoing the abrupt change in mood.

Jeonghan, left in the quiet aftermath, couldn't help but question the unintended consequences of his innocent inquiry. His gaze fixated on the closed bathroom door, uncertainty etching his features.

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