Chapter 43. Baring Souls

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"Thank you, Aunt Yeji," Seungcheol bows graciously to the elder woman, who smiles warmly at him as she hands over the bag filled with decorations to Seungcheol.

"No problem, Cheollie. And be sure to visit again with your husband, alright?" Yeji says affectionately, squeezing Jeonghan's hand, eliciting a smile from him.

"We will," Seungcheol says with a gentle reminder, his voice carrying anticipation for tomorrow's event. Yeji, her nod a silent agreement, bids them goodbye, her steps echoing as she accompanies them to the waiting car before turning back, disappearing into the building.

Seungcheol strides a bit ahead of Jeonghan, his pace quickened with a hint of eagerness, holding the door open with a courteous gesture. Jeonghan returns the smile graciously before sliding into the vehicle.

Suppressing a grin of his own, Seungcheol deftly places the bag in the backseat before smoothly transitioning to the driver's seat, anticipation bubbling beneath his composed demeanor.

Jeonghan steals a glance at Seungcheol, observing the meticulous way he fastens his seatbelt. Following suit, he mirrors Seungcheol's actions, a silent synchronization of readiness. As Seungcheol presses the brake and ignites the engine, the car smoothly maneuvers out of Yeji's driveway, setting the course for their journey ahead.

"Can we make a quick stop to grab some food? I'm famished," Jeonghan's plea breaks the silence as they cruise past a bustling food truck. Seungcheol shoots him a swift glance, registering his hunger, and promptly pulls over at the side of the road, ready to indulge their cravings.

As the night descends, a velvet curtain of darkness envelops the surroundings, punctuated by the twinkling stars that adorn the sky, casting their ethereal glow upon Jeonghan and Seungcheol as they stroll beneath their luminance. The warm, inviting light of the lampposts casts a gentle radiance upon the path, illuminating their way.

Seungcheol, guided by their soft glow, strides towards Jeonghan's side of the car with purpose, his silhouette outlined against the gentle illumination, extending a gesture of chivalry as he reaches for the door, a silent promise of companionship under the vast expanse of the night sky.

"Come," Jeonghan beckons, casting a fleeting glance at Seungcheol before venturing out of the car. His steps falter slightly on the uneven, cracked pavement, prompting Seungcheol's hands to instinctively find purchase at Jeonghan's waist, offering stability amidst the precarious footing. In that moment of unexpected closeness, Jeonghan's stumble draws him closer to Seungcheol, their chests pressing together, faces mere inches apart.

Seungcheol, wrestling with the urge to seize the moment with a kiss, tears his gaze away, finding refuge in the depths of Jeonghan's dark, bewitching eyes. His hands, trembling with restraint, tenderly sweep back strands of Jeonghan's hair, his voice a gentle murmur lost to Jeonghan's rapt attention on Seungcheol before him.


With great effort, Seungcheol relinquishes his hold on Jeonghan's waist, stepping aside to grant him passage along the pathway, his heart silently yearning for the closeness they had briefly shared.

"Two bowls of piping hot ramen, please," Seungcheol requests, smoothly sliding his card forward to pay. Jeonghan briskly rubs his hands together, seeking solace from the chill wind caressing his cheeks, while he instinctively wraps his arms around himself, longing for warmth amidst the biting cold.

Through chattering teeth, Jeonghan adds, 'Extra hot, please,' his voice barely audible over the biting wind as they make their way towards the chairs to take a seat. Each step feels like a battle against the cold, their breath forming wispy clouds in the frigid air, as they long for the comforting warmth of the impending steaming bowls of ramen.

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