Chapter 46. Mine and Yours

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As Seungcheol carries Jeonghan towards the bed, every step sends a jolt of anticipation coursing through their intertwined bodies. Jeonghan's heart races with each beat, the proximity to Seungcheol causing his skin to tingle with awareness. Their breath mingles in the air, a symphony of heavy exhales and soft moans that echo the rhythm of their desires.

With every movement, Seungcheol's touch sends waves of heat radiating through Jeonghan's body, igniting a primal fire that threatens to consume him whole. Each brush of Seungcheol's fingers against his skin is like a spark, setting off explosions of sensation that leave Jeonghan gasping for air.

As they draw closer to the bed, the tension between them becomes palpable, thickening the air with an electrifying energy that crackles with unrestrained desire. Jeonghan's pulse pounds in his ears, drowning out all other sound as he surrenders himself to the intoxicating pull of Seungcheol's presence.

Their lips meet in smoldering kisses, each touch a promise of the ecstasy to come. With every press of their bodies against each other, the flames of their passion roar to life, consuming them in a blaze of longing and need.

In this moment, nothing else matters but the overwhelming need to be closer, to merge together in a dance of passion and lust. And as they finally succumb to the fiery inferno of their desire, there is no denying that this union will leave them forever bound in the flames of their shared ecstasy.

"Fuck, you're so... indescribable," Seungcheol murmurs between ragged breaths, his lips trailing hot kisses along Jeonghan's skin, each touch a testament to the artist within him, eager to paint his canvas with desire.

"Cheol," Jeonghan moans, drawing out the syllable with a desperate whine, his fingers curling into Seungcheol's hair, urging him closer despite their already intimate connection. "Yes, baby?" Seungcheol responds, his hands teasing as they slide beneath Jeonghan's robe, exploring the soft expanse of his thighs, eliciting gasps and arches of pleasure from his lover.

"Touch me, please," Jeonghan pleads, his voice thick with longing, his eyes misting over with pleasure-induced tears as his vision blurs slightly. "You want me to touch you?" Seungcheol's voice is hoarse with desire as he peppers love bites across Jeonghan's exposed chest, his milky skin a canvas for Seungcheol's affectionate marks.

"Yes, I want you... I need you, Cheol," Jeonghan moans, wrapping his legs around Seungcheol's waist, craving the friction their bodies could create, only to be halted by Seungcheol's firm grip, holding him in place by his waist.

"Want me? Need me? Tell me, Jeonghan, tell me how badly you need me, my love," Seungcheol demands, his hold tightening as Jeonghan struggles against him, frustration evident in the way he bites his lip and thrashes in Seungcheol's grasp.

"You'll have me... only if you show me how much you crave it, Jeonghan."

Jeonghan's whimpers fill the air, a symphony of need and desire that echoes off the walls of the room, his fingers gripping the sheets in a white-knuckled grasp as he gazes up at Seungcheol with pleading eyes.

"How bad, Hannie?" Seungcheol teases, his voice a low growl that sends shivers down Jeonghan's spine as he trails a teasing finger down towards Jeonghan's inner thighs, edging him towards the brink of madness.

"Bad... so bad," Jeonghan mumbles, his voice thick with longing, his body trembling with anticipation as he tries to pull Seungcheol closer, desperate for his touch. "I want you to touch me like there's no tomorrow. I want you to touch me like nobody has ever touched me before. I want it rough. I want you to pin me down on this bed and mark me as yours. I want you to consume me, to imprint yourself on every inch of my skin until all I can remember is your name. I want you to make me yours. I want you so bad..."

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