Chapter 23. Frantic Heartbeat

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Morning arrived swiftly, casting a soft glow on Seungcheol and Jeonghan's shared space. Jeonghan, an early riser, had already embraced the dawn, avoiding the unpredictability of Jihyun's potential intrusion into his tranquil mornings. As he stirred awake, Jeonghan found himself entwined with the comforting presence of Seungcheol, who slept peacefully beside him.

Stretching luxuriously, Jeonghan's eyes gently opened to the sight of Seungcheol's serene form. The room was hushed, accentuating the details of Seungcheol's slumber. Jeonghan couldn't help but smile, inching closer to the peaceful figure beside him. Seungcheol lay there, one hand cradling Jeonghan's form and the other serving as a makeshift pillow.

Drawing near, Jeonghan's eyes roved over Seungcheol's features. His pouty lips were slightly parted, inviting a silent reverie. Closed eyes framed by thick, sweeping lashes lay undisturbed, a testament to the tranquil repose he found in sleep. Strands of black hair cascaded over his forehead, creating an artful disarray on the pillow.

In a moment of affectionate playfulness, Jeonghan's fingers danced across Seungcheol's face. Tracing the contours from nose to upper lip, he marveled at the peaceful countenance before him. A mischievous giggle escaped his lips as he gently squeezed Seungcheol's lips, momentarily lost in admiration.

"Even in sleep, you are so effortlessly handsome," Jeonghan whispered, a tender smile lingering on his lips. However, as Seungcheol stirred in his slumber, Jeonghan withdrew, savoring the quiet intimacy of the morning.

The soft glow of ambient light filled the bathroom, casting a tranquil atmosphere as Jeonghan gracefully slipped away from Seungcheol's embrace. His every movement carried a quiet elegance, leading him to the awaiting allure of the bathroom.

With a subtle grace, Jeonghan shed his clothes, revealing the gentle curve of his figure. The air held the delicate scent of the bathbomb, a personal touch from Seungcheol, and as he stepped into the inviting warmth of the bathtub, the water embraced him like a soothing cocoon.

The bathbomb dissolved, releasing a symphony of fragrances that enveloped Jeonghan, creating an aromatic haven. The water mirrored the hues of serenity, and as he reclined, it cradled him in a tranquil lull. Closing his eyes, he succumbed to the blissful serenade of water caressing his skin, washing away the day's remnants.

Jeonghan emerged from the bathtub, a vision of ethereal grace wrapped in the plush bathrobe that clung delicately to his form. With the meticulous care that characterized his every action, he reached for a hand towel, tending to his damp hair as he gracefully exited the bathroom.

The room held a serene ambiance, yet Jeonghan's gaze was drawn towards the bed, where Seungcheol lay cocooned in the warmth of the duvet. A playful yet determined smile graced Jeonghan's lips as he approached, kneeling on the bed with a purposeful intent.

"Seungcheol? Get up! Aren't we supposed to go out?" Jeonghan's voice carried a gentle urgency, and with a spirited shake, he roused Seungcheol from his slumber. The drowsy response met Jeonghan's ears as Seungcheol squinted in the morning light, their exchange unfolding in the soft glow of dawn.

As Jeonghan attempted to decipher Seungcheol's mumbled words, a sudden embrace enveloped him, Seungcheol's arms wrapping around his neck. A surprised gasp escaped Jeonghan's lips, his heartbeat quickening as he felt the warmth of Seungcheol's morning embrace.

"Good morning," Seungcheol's whisper resonated, his deep voice creating a captivating harmony. Jeonghan cleared his throat, maintaining composure as he leaned back, hands placed delicately on Seungcheol's chest. The intimate positioning revealed glimpses of pale skin through the robe, water droplets cascading down Jeonghan's neck, disappearing into the subtle contours of his attire.

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