Chapter 9. Bistro

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The worn-out brown door creaks open, its paint chipped and faded, revealing a dimly lit room. A man steps inside, his presence commanding attention. He wears a sleek black shirt, the fabric hugging his muscular frame, while his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, exposing the veins that run beneath his taut skin. A silver watch adorns his wrist, catching the light and gleaming with every movement he makes.

As he approaches the desk, the room seems to brighten, as if the very air around him becomes electrified."Did you get it?" The man's deep voice resonates with authority, echoing through the room, demanding attention. Impatience evident in his actions, he taps his fingers restlessly on the desk, creating a rhythmic sound that fills the room.

The other man, dressed in a bulkier attire, his presence equally formidable, leans back in an armchair. His gaze fixed on the black-shirted man, he demands an answer. The tension in the room is palpable, as if the air itself holds its breath, waiting for the response.

"I don't understand why the hell you're doing this, but here you go," the man in the black shirt muttered, his voice laced with a hint of frustration in his voice, the black-shirted man pushes a brown envelope across the desk, the sound of it sliding against the wood breaking the silence. His words carry a mix of confusion and defiance, as he questions the motives behind their actions.


"Jeonghan! Seungcheol's here!" Jihoon's frustrated voice echoed through the hallway as he pounded on Jeonghan's door.

"Coming! Just a minute," Jeonghan yelled back, quickly slipping on his diamond earrings and lightly touching the pendant before grabbing his silver mini bag and rushing out the door. His black boots clicked against the floor as he hurried down the stairs.

"Take care and be back before 8," Jihoon's voice faded as Jeonghan made his way outside. "Okay, mom!" he shouted, giggling as he rushed to the gate, where he found the grey Mustang waiting with Seungcheol in the driver's seat, glaring at him.

Seungcheol's eyes widened as they fell upon Jeonghan's outfit - a white furry turtleneck sweater paired with diamond earrings, black pants, and sleek black boots. His permed hair was styled into a mini ponytail, with the front bangs framing his face perfectly.


"How many times do I have to tell you to hurry up?" Seungcheol questioned, tapping his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. He tore his gaze away from Jeonghan to focus on the road as the stunning male slid into the car beside him.

"Well, gorgeous people take a generous amount of time to get dressed. I know you can't relate," Jeonghan smirked, closing the door and sending a flirty wink Seungcheol's way.

"You..." Seungcheol sighed, knowing he could never win against Jeonghan's charm. Instead of arguing, he started the car, ready for their destination of the day.

"Where are we headed?" Jeonghan inquires, his gaze fixed on the passing trees as the car speeds past them.

"We're going to the ring shop to buy rings for ourselves," Seungcheol replies, coming to a stop at a red light.

"Rings? Oh, right! We're husbands!" Jeonghan exclaims, a sudden realization dawning on him. "Get me the most expensive and beautiful one," he adds, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively as he turns to face Seungcheol.

"Sure," Seungcheol responds sarcastically, stepping on the gas as the light turns green.

"Do you have any snacks? I'm hungry," Jeonghan asks, rummaging through the glove box. Seungcheol glances at him, then at the empty compartment. There are no snacks in the car at the moment.

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