Chapter 38. Beautiful than Moon

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The air crackled with tension as Jeonghan and the others approached home, the fading sunlight casting long shadows across the worn pavement. Sohee's confusion lingered like a cloud, her brows furrowed and eyes searching for answers, questioning why Seungcheol had abruptly vanished from their company.

The atmosphere, tinged with uncertainty, whispered of hidden motives and untold stories as the group navigated through the quiet streets, each step weighed down by unspoken questions.

Jeonghan, aware of the growing unease, attempted to deflect suspicion with a nonchalant demeanor. He casually dismissed Sohee's concerns, insisting that Seungcheol's sudden absence was merely a result of other commitments, a feeble attempt to conceal the underlying truth that Seungcheol might be intentionally avoiding him.

The fading daylight illuminated the strained expressions, and the heavy air hung with unspoken words, creating a palpable tension that clung to the group, lingering like a secret waiting to be unveiled.

"You can go and rest in your room until dinner, okay?" Sohee's gentle words echoed in the air as Jeonghan nodded, a silent agreement. Hastily, he made his way towards their bedroom, the weight of unspoken tensions still lingering. As he stepped inside, a hush fell over the room, the soft glow of the dimmed lights casting a subdued ambiance.

Jeonghan felt his throat constrict once again, the emotions swirling within him like a tempest. Moisture gathered in his eyes, betraying the turmoil beneath the surface.

Collapsing onto the bed, he lay with his stomach pressed against the soft fabric, seeking solace in the refuge of their shared space. The room enveloped him in a cocoon of emotions, a silent witness to the untold complexities that weighed heavy on his heart.

Jeonghan's voice quivered with emotion as he uttered, "You didn't let me speak..." The mumble passed through a cracked voice, tears sliding down his eyes, his heart aching with an undeniable pain.

Amidst the emotional turmoil, he found solace in the affirmation, "Us is real..." A profound declaration that resonated in the silence of the room, echoing the depth of their connection.

With a delicate chuckle, Jeonghan continued, his fingers gently caressing the wrinkles in the bedsheets. "We are Cheol, we are more than real," he expressed, his gaze fixed on the vast emptiness, as if seeking answers in the void.

A poignant plea filled the air, "Come back home, please..." The whispered words slid down, carrying the weight of longing. Jeonghan's eyes grew heavier, surrendering to the soothing embrace of sleep, the echoes of his heartfelt words lingering in the quietude.

Seungcheol's restless mind urged him to kick a small stone, its trajectory echoing the tumultuous thoughts swirling within. His black suit, once pristine, now clung to his hand, a testament to the day's relentless wandering. Strands of undone hair framed his face, a visual manifestation of the disarray wrought by his roaming journey.

"What are you doing now..." the unconscious thought of Jeonghan creeps into Seungcheol's mind, an eager inquiry seeking the elusive whereabouts of his companion.

Seungcheol, consumed by the query, clenches his fist while perched on a bench. His gaze fixates on the blank void before him, a reflection of the unanswered questions lingering in the air. The weight of uncertainty lingers in the silent contemplation, accentuated by the tight grip of his fist.

"You might be thinking of ways to reject me, aren't you?" A bittersweet chuckle ripples through Seungcheol's throat, its resonance mirroring the tinge of sadness interwoven in his voice.

The air seems to carry the weight of unspoken fears, as if the mere thought of rejection casts a shadow on the emotional landscape. In the quiet cadence of his laughter, there's a poignant acknowledgment of vulnerability, echoing the delicate dance of anticipation and apprehension.

"I'm such a fucking idiot to even think that I could make you mine..." Seungcheol's whisper resonates with frustration, his hands rubbing his face in a gesture of self-reproach. The weight of realization hangs heavy in the air, as if the words themselves are laden with the burden of shattered expectations. His eyes betray the vulnerability within, glistening with the onset of tears, mirroring the emotional storm swirling beneath the surface. The quiet admission of inadequacy paints a poignant picture of inner turmoil and a sense of profound regret.

Jeonghan's smiling face materializes before Seungcheol's tear-streaked eyes, a sudden ethereal presence in the midst of emotional turmoil. The weight of frustration and self-reproach lifts momentarily as a tender smile graces Seungcheol's face. The juxtaposition of vulnerability and affection creates a poignant scene, like a fleeting moment of solace in the storm.

"You are so beautiful, Hannie, so beautiful that it hurts," Seungcheol's voice carries a gentle awe, the words infused with sincerity. His eyes, once clouded with regret, now hold a warmth inspired by the radiant image of Jeonghan. The contrasting emotions intertwine, weaving a delicate tapestry of longing, admiration, and an unexpected respite amid the tempest of emotions.

"Young man," a soft voice called, and Seungcheol, startled, turned to his left to find an elderly woman standing beside him.

"Yes, grandma," he responded, clearing his throat as curiosity sparkled in his eyes.

"If you could buy these, I would have some money to fill my stomach for the day, my child," the old lady said, presenting a pair of silver anklets adorned with small, glistening diamonds and jingling bells. The slim, silver anklets held an ethereal charm, evoking memories of someone dear.

"I don't think he will accept them; he hates me," Seungcheol confessed, the weight on his heart pushing him to confide in this unexpected confidante.

"Did he tell you that?" Seungcheol raised his brow at the question. "Sorry?"

"I'm asking if he told you that he hates you. Unless he said it himself, stop overthinking," the wise lady advised, gently placing the anklets into Seungcheol's hand.

"Give it to him; bet he is just as beautiful as the moon up there. The one and only," she said, her face crinkling in a warm smile, revealing the beauty of a life well-lived through wrinkles.

"He is, even more beautiful than the moon itself," Seungcheol replied, a genuine smile gracing his face as he tightened his fist around the anklets, reaching into his wallet to pay the lady, grateful for the unexpected connection and advice.

With a deep bow of respect, Seungcheol retrieves his suit, the fine fabric draped over his arm, and begins to walk away from the elderly lady. The delicate anklets, held securely in his grasp, find refuge in his pockets as he strides purposefully forward.

Suddenly, a call pierces the air, prompting Seungcheol to pivot on his heels. The lady, a beacon of wisdom and kindness, waves at him with a knowing smile. Seungcheol, touched by her encouragement, responds with a light chuckle, lifting his hands to wave back in gratitude.

"You are very brave! But also, be brave enough to hear his side too," the lady imparts, her words carrying a subtle weight of experience. Seungcheol, absorbing the wisdom, nods earnestly, a blend of determination and vulnerability shimmering in his eyes. He continues on his path, the anklets and the lady's counsel nestled in his journey, a tapestry of emotions painting his steps.

"Stop running away.."



Sorry for the late update! Geez im preparing for my entrance exam (neet) and today is the last day to fill the form! 😂😂

Anyways, hope you like the chapter ❤️

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