Chapter 18. Un/Pleasant

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Jeonghan turned around in bed, squinting as the morning sunlight bathed his face. The bright rays slapped against his glowing skin, prompting a muttered exclamation as he tried to shield his eyes.

"What the..." Jeonghan mumbled, raising himself from the bed to find a new intruder in the room. Jihyun stood near the balcony window, arms crossed with the curtains pushed aside. A frown etched across Jeonghan's face as he observed her.

"Won't you get up now, honey?" Jihyun's tone carried an unpleasant edge as she approached the bed. "It's almost noon, and you're still indulging in your precious sleep."

Jeonghan, pulling the covers tighter around himself, wondered how she managed to enter. His eyes scanned the room, finding it empty and no sign of Seungcheol. Internally rolling his eyes, he stood up, questioning himself, "Where the heck is he? And how on earth did Jihyun find her way into our room? Does she lack basic common sense not to barge into a married couple's space?"

"What brings you here so early?" Jeonghan questioned, standing up and ruffling his hair. Jihyun retorted with a sarcastic tone, "Well, I came to deliver clothes, but it seems I had to awaken a princess who thinks he can rise whenever he pleases."

As she turned to walk towards the door, Jihyun continued, "Here, take one for your dear husband, and the other is for you," pushing a trolley holding two neatly stacked suits. Confused, Jeonghan inquired, "Why? Is there some event happening?"

Jihyun chuckled, "Of course there is. My son is coming back, and the house is organizing a little party for him." Annoyingly clasping her hands, she added, "Get ready before 5 pm in the evening."

As she turned to leave, Jihyun glanced back, offering a fake smile. "And, Jeongsan, I hope I didn't disturb your beauty sleep," she said, walking out of the room.

"Bitch," Jeonghan cursed loudly, falling back onto the bed. His gaze fixed on the ceiling, he pondered the possibilities of where Seungcheol might be and how he allowed Jihyun access into their room.

Jeonghan sighed in annoyance, rubbing his face as he muttered, "She's starting to get on my nerves now." The sound of the door clicking open prompted him to immediately stand up from the bed.

His irritation escalated as he observed Seungcheol entering the room. Seungcheol's attire exuded a simple yet stylish vibe, with a white shirt, sleeves casually rolled to the elbow, tucked into light-washed denim, and black boots, complemented by a golden-rimmed watch.

"Come in, my dear husband. Where the heck were you?" Jeonghan questioned with a hint of sarcasm, approaching Seungcheol, who seemed confused. "What's wrong? Why the grumpy wake-up?" Seungcheol inquired, closing the door behind himself.

"Oh, well," Jeonghan retorted, "I don't know, maybe it's because your aunt barged into our room, ruined my morning, and couldn't even get my name right. Obviously not, darling," he spat with an angry tone.

Seungcheol sighed, acknowledging, "Aunt, ah, Jihyun." He continued, "I told her to leave the clothes outside the door, but she— It's okay; I'll talk to her," frustration evident on his face.

"You better," Jeonghan said, walking off to the bathroom with loud, purposeful steps, closing the door with a resounding thud.

Seungcheol, left alone in the room, expressed amusement, "Woah. I thought he looked sexy only while flirting, but angry Jeonghan is a next-level turn-on---" He quickly covered his mouth, realizing the unintended admission.

"Shut up, you stupid brain" Seungcheol whisper shouts to himself.

Jeonghan emerged from the bathroom, having indulged in a long, relaxing bath, a necessity after the tumultuous start to his day with Jihyun. Securing the robe around himself, he moved gracefully, a lingering cherry scent trailing behind him, filling the room. Seungcheol, lounging on the couch with a book, couldn't help but shift his attention to the captivating sight.

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