Chapter 19. Welcoming the Unwelcomed

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Jeonghan and Seungcheol gracefully descended the stairs, their hands intertwined, radiating pure happiness. Jeonghan's gaze swept across the spacious hall, taking in the sight of the people present.

Seungkwan and Vernon were seated on the plush couch, with Vernon's expression remaining stoic as ever, while Seungkwan chattered away on his cellphone. Chan and Sohee were deep in conversation, their heads bent towards each other, engrossed in their discussion.

As he approached the couch, Jeonghan noticed that Vernon's eyes were fixed on him. He couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious under Vernon's intense gaze. Does he hates me or something ? Jeonghan's eyes met Seungkwan's, and the latter flashed him a bright smile, signaling the start of a joyous evening.

The hall was transformed into a mesmerizing sight, adorned from floor to ceiling with an array of decorations. String lights, like ethereal stars, were delicately strung across the room, creating a captivating web of illumination that connected one corner to another. Their soft glow cast a warm and inviting ambiance, enveloping the space in a magical aura.

The color scheme was a stunning combination of black and white, with a subtle touch of red. The walls were draped in elegant black fabric, contrasting beautifully against the pristine white tablecloths that adorned the dining tables. The chairs were adorned with black and white ribbons, meticulously tied into elegant bows.

Every corner of the hall was meticulously decorated, ensuring that no detail was overlooked. Delicate black and white floral arrangements were placed strategically throughout the room, adding a touch of sophistication and grace. The tables were adorned with black and white centerpieces, featuring elegant vases filled with red roses, their vibrant hue providing a striking contrast against the monochromatic backdrop.

"Jihyun seems to be a little obsessed with her son," Jeonghan comments, settling into a chair near the drinks counter with Seungcheol by his side. "I mean, just look at the decorations," Jeonghan says, gesturing towards the sparkling hall with a nod of his head. Seungcheol nods in agreement as he grabs one of the lemon tequila shots on the table and swiftly downs it in one go.

"She definitely is. He's her only child, after all," Seungcheol says, glancing around the hall to take in the beautiful setup of the welcoming party.

Look at Jihyun and look at your mother. Did she even take the time to come and greet you? It's been two days since you arrived, but she literally doesn't give a fuck about it, and here you are sacrificing your life for her---

"Hyung!" Jeonghan and Seungcheol turned their heads towards Chan, who came running towards them. He was dressed in a black ripped sweater tucked into black leather pants, paired with shiny heeled boots. His black hair was laced with silver string ribbons, adding a smoky appearance to his overall look.

"Why are you dressed as if you're about to hit the club with your friends?" Seungcheol questioned, noticing Chan's bold fashion choice.

Chan grinned mischievously. "I just wanted to switch things up and try something new," he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Shut up," Jeonghan interjects, standing up from the chair and approaching Chan, who smiles at him. "Finally, someone who has the sense to dress up in this lousy household--"

"Lousy?" Chan questions.

"I mean, isn't it true?" Chan laughs along with Jeonghan, who chuckles and gives him a high-five. Seungcheol groans, shaking his head.

"When is he arriving?" Seungcheol questioned, glancing at his watch and briefly glancing towards the door.

"In about 20 minutes," Chan replied.

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