Chapter 50. Love 'til Death

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Seungcheol returns home, his shoulders weighed down by the burden of shattered hopes and dashed dreams. With a sniffle, he raises his gaze to find his entire family standing before him, their accusing stares piercing through his facade. Guilt grips his throat as he meets the betrayed expressions of Sohee, Chan, Seungkwan, and Vernon. He realizes he has deceived them all.

Chan's eyes betray a mix of worry and disappointment, struggling to comprehend Seungcheol's actions. Seungkwan wears a similar expression, mirroring Chan's disbelief. Vernon's face remains impassive, but his gaze speaks volumes.

Hyori's worried eyes glisten with unshed tears, her chest rising and falling with each anxious breath. Grandma, seated in her wheelchair, regards Seungcheol with a solemn gaze before requesting Hyori's assistance to retire to her room.

As the others depart, Sohee leads the way, followed by the three boys. Jihyun and Wonwoo take their leave, their concern focused on Mingyu's injured lips as they search for the medkit. Mingyu stands against Seungcheol, a constant adversary, always one step ahead. With a disapproving tsk, Mingyu leaves, leaving Seungcheol to crumble to his knees, feeling utterly alone once more, just as he had months ago.

Tears stream down Seungcheol's cheeks, and he makes no attempt to wipe them away. The pain of betrayal, the weight of disappointment from his family, and the agony of Jeonghan's departure engulf him.

Amidst his despair, Seungcheol's gaze falls upon a glinting object on the floor—a lost anklet he had gifted to Jeonghan. He reaches out, clutching the jewel to his chest, cherishing the faint scent of Jeonghan that lingers upon it, holding onto it as if it were his only lifeline.

"I'm sorry," Seungcheol whispers to the empty room, his voice choked with emotion. But his words fall on deaf ears, swallowed by the silence that now surrounds him, a testament to the loneliness that threatens to consume him.


The car eased into a gentle halt as Jaemin guided it back into Seoul, the weight of exhaustion and stress evident on Jeonghan's slumbering form, nestled close to Mina, who too had surrendered to the soothing sway of the journey, her breaths synchronized with the rhythmic hum of the engine.

Jaemin's gentle touch roused Mina from her sleep, his voice a soft murmur against the quiet of the car's interior. "Mina," he whispered, his fingers lightly tapping her thigh, coaxing her awake. "Wake him up and bring him in."

With a nod, Mina stirred, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal the dimly lit surroundings. Meanwhile, Jaemin made his way towards the welcoming glow emanating from Jihoon and Hoshi's house, a beacon of solace in their time of need. Though his heart yearned to confront his son about the lies, Jaemin exercised restraint, opting to quell his anger before engaging in discussion.

"Mmm... Hannie," Mina murmured, her voice a tender caress as she gently shook Jeonghan awake. Confusion clouded Jeonghan's eyes as he blinked, finding himself on the doorstep of Jihoon's abode. "Why are we here?" he mumbled, stepping out of the car to be greeted by the sight of his father and Hoshi, with Jihoon's reassuring presence drawing near.

"Han, come here," Jihoon's arms enveloped Jeonghan in a comforting embrace, the weight of their shared pain palpable as tears threatened to spill once more. "Let's go inside."

Jeonghan's resolve wavered, his knees buckling as he sank to the ground, seeking solace in Jihoon's comforting hold, tears tracing silent paths down his cheeks. "Please... he's alone... let me go to Seungcheol," Jeonghan pleaded, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Stop crying, Han. First, let's get inside," Jihoon's soothing voice urged, guiding Jeonghan towards the sanctuary of their home. As they settled into the warmth of the living room, Jaemin and Mina observed Jeonghan with a mixture of concern and understanding, their hearts heavy with the weight of unspoken turmoil.

"Uncle, we owe you an apology," Hoshi's voice broke the solemn silence, its timbre laced with remorse, as he cleared his throat, preparing to unveil the truth that had remained veiled for far too long.

"If only we didn't.." hoshi sighs hands folded into apologetic manners along with Jihoon both of their faces morphed into sadness as Jeonghan stays immobile beside them.

Hoshi began by recounting how Seungcheol had asked him to find a husband for a pretend game at their family gathering party. He admitted it was mostly his fault because he had asked Jeonghan to help Seungcheol out.

"But it's okay, you don't need to worry about anything now, Han. Whatever happens after this is on Seungcheol. He's brought it upon himself," Jihoon reassured, squeezing Jeonghan's hand reassuringly.

"Yes, Han, just forget about all this like a bad dream—" Jeonghan's abrupt withdrawal of his hand from Jihoon's grasp punctuated his rising agitation, his gaze sharp as he fixed it upon Hoshi. Each word he uttered carried the weight of his conviction, his voice cracking with raw emotion as he defended his stance.

"Watch your mouth, Hoshi," Jeonghan warned, his expression sharp as Hoshi stared back, confused.

"I can't just let him be alone like that... Not when he needs me the most... I can't betray him," Jeonghan's voice broke at the end.

"He trusts me a lot, and I can't do that to him... Gosh, how is he handling himself? I want to go back there—" Jeonghan's words trailed off.

"You aren't going anywhere, Jeonghan," Jaemin interjected, his voice firm as he held onto Jeonghan's hand, which struggled to break free.

"Jeonghan, really, you don't need to stand up for Seungcheol. He can handle himself fine," Jihoon said, unaware of why Jeonghan was defending Seungcheol.

"I know, but—" Jeonghan began, only to be interrupted by Hoshi's questioning tone.

"Why are you even siding with him?" Hoshi stood up, confronting Jeonghan.

"You did your job with Seungcheol. Now, even your vacation time is over. Just go back to Canada with Uncle and Aunt—"

Tears threatened to spill from Jeonghan's eyes as he fought against the turmoil raging within him. The weight of his love for Seungcheol hung heavy in the air, each syllable of his declaration etched with an unwavering resolve.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving Seungcheol alone here," Jeonghan yelled, frustration bubbling up inside him.

"Why—" Hoshi started, but Jeonghan cut him off, his voice rising in intensity.

"Because I love him! And I will die before I step out of this country without him!" Jeonghan's declaration echoed through the room, leaving a charged silence in its wake.



I feel like the angst isn't angsting....🫣

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