Chapter 20. Shades

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"Come in, my baby!" Jihyun's cheerful invitation resonates in the air as she playfully tugs on Mingyu's sleeves, leading him with an effortless grace toward the alluring hall. Mingyu follows, a willing participant in the dance of laughter and warmth that surrounds him. The man beside him maneuvers through the space with a sense of purpose, his hand purse clutched tightly, a subtle accent to his composed demeanor.

In the midst of this orchestrated entrance, Jeonghan, momentarily captivated by Mingyu's presence, allows his gaze to linger on the interplay of playful gestures. The atmosphere, filled with a light-hearted energy, soon draws his attention to Seungcheol. There, Seungcheol stands stoically, a study in contrasts with his clenched jaw and hands tucked into pockets, a silent observer amid the vibrant scene unfolding around him. The dynamics within this snapshot of familial interaction paint a tapestry of emotions, leaving Jeonghan entwined in the intricate threads of the moment.

"Honey, let's go and greet him—"

"He'll come," Seungcheol's voice cut through the air like a decisive whisper, halting Jeonghan's attempt to move. Firmly rooted beside his grandmother, Seungcheol's stance reflected a silent determination. Meanwhile, Seungcheol's mother had embarked on the journey to welcome Mingyu, her face transforming into a canvas of warmth, adorned with a sweet smile as she gently patted Mingyu's back. Their laughter, a melodic symphony, resonated in the air, creating a stark contrast to the atmosphere around Seungcheol.

Jeonghan's contemplative mind swirled with a cascade of unanswered questions. The apparent disparity in Seungcheol's mother's reception intrigued him, weaving a tapestry of curiosity in his thoughts. Was this contrasting treatment a recurrent theme or a novel occurrence in the intricate dynamics of their family? The air buzzed with unspoken mysteries, inviting Jeonghan to unravel the secrets beneath the surface.

"Hyung..." Jeonghan's gaze gracefully shifts, like a painter unveiling a new canvas, to the figure standing before Seungcheol. The man, an integral part of Mingyu's arrival, exudes a quiet charisma. Seungcheol responds with a small, genuine smile, a subtle acknowledgment of camaraderie as he reciprocates the man's friendly greeting.

"How are you, Wonwoo?" Seungcheol's voice carries a warmth that transcends the spoken words, and he draws Wonwoo into an embrace that seems to unfold like a cherished chapter of their shared history. Their hands curl against each other's backs, creating an unspoken connection, and Wonwoo's eyes, reminiscent of a starlit night, reflect an emotion that goes beyond the surface.

"I'm fine, how have you been? When did you come here? You didn't even call me--" Jeonghan, caught in a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts, rolls his tongue against his cheeks. His eyes, a mosaic of curiosity and uncertainty, linger on Wonwoo. Why this peculiar interest in someone else's husband?

"I'm fine too, Wonwoo. I arrived two days ago. I did call you, but it went to voicemail," Seungcheol explains, his response carrying an air of obligation, prompting a subtle raise of Jeonghan's eyebrow. The room, painted with unspoken nuances, becomes a stage for intricate relationships and unanswered questions, leaving Jeonghan standing at the crossroads of understanding and curiosity. Why is he responding as if he is obligated to answer everything?

"Anyways, meet him, my husband, Jeonghan," Seungcheol proudly declares, gently pulling Jeonghan closer, like a constellation aligning its stars. Jeonghan, with an air of subtle elegance, refrains from rolling his eyes, maintaining a poised composure even as Wonwoo tactfully creates a distance following the embrace.

That's right, step away from my husband.

"Hello..." Jeonghan extends his hand in a gesture of both formality and subtle defiance toward Wonwoo, whose gaze briefly flits to the offered hand before a handshake ensues. "I'm Choi Jeonghan, Seungcheol's husband, and you are?"

Wonwoo, with a smile akin to moonlight breaking through clouds, introduces himself, "Kim Wonwoo, Mingyu's husband," releasing Jeonghan's hand. The trio stands in a momentary silence, a tableau of unspoken connections and lingering tension, before Mingyu's approach interrupts the stillness.

"Hello, hyung," Mingyu greets Seungcheol, leaping onto him with a youthful exuberance. Seungcheol, despite a grunted acknowledgment, embraces Mingyu briefly before pushing him away with an awkward smile.

"How have you been?" Mingyu's inquiry is met with Seungcheol's measured response, pushing away Mingyu's arms in an unaffected manner.

"I'm fine too," Mingyu states nonchalantly, diverting his attention to Jeonghan with an inscrutable expression.

"And who might this be?" Mingyu's smile transforms into a momentary smirk, swiftly replaced as he steps closer to Jeonghan. Seungcheol, a protective shield, steps before Mingyu, asserting his claim. "That's Jeonghan, My husband."

"Woah, it's not like I'm going to grab your husband by his neck and kiss him. I have my own partner, see," Mingyu retorts, pulling Wonwoo into view. Wonwoo, in a subtle act of dissent, rolls his eyes, the nuances not escaping Jeonghan's observant gaze.

Jeonghan's hand instinctively seeks Seungcheol's back, fingers curling onto the fabric of his suit. "I'm hungry. Let's go, please," Jeonghan's whispered plea reverberates in Seungcheol's ears. A nod from Seungcheol, intertwining their hands, signals their departure, a quiet retreat from the brewing tension.

Jeonghan clenches his fist, a silent expression of frustration, turning back to Mingyu. The latter, still wearing a smile, waves, while Wonwoo's unreadable expression shields his thoughts as they turn away.

"What's this? Are they really married?" Mingyu's smile fades at Wonwoo's taunting voice, his eyes trailing over Jeonghan's retreating figure as Seungcheol leads them into the kitchen, a sanctuary away from prying eyes.

"The hell am I supposed to know? He introduced him as his husband," Mingyu retorts, turning his attention to Wonwoo, whose stoic gaze betrays little.

"Let's go. I'm tired. Your mother really went overboard with the party. Fucking hell," Wonwoo curses, the words escaping like an exhale, as they ascend the stairs. Mingyu sighs, trailing behind Wonwoo as they retreat to the seclusion of their room, leaving the lingering echoes of familial dynamics in the air.



Sorry for the very short chapter, written in hurry guys!

And what do y'all think of minwon?

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