Chapter 29. Prompted

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Seungcheol and Jeonghan arrived home as night descended, the soft glow of dusk casting a warm hue over the surroundings. Parking the bike, they gracefully stepped off, fingers entwined in a silent declaration of their connection. Together, they entered the house, their synchronized movements echoing the harmony of their shared journey, and as they crossed the threshold into the hall, a quiet yet palpable sense of home enveloped them.

The dining room exuded a convivial atmosphere, bathed in the warm glow of ambient lighting. Around the table, each seat was occupied, creating a mosaic of familiar faces and shared spaces. However, a noticeable void lingered as Jeonghan and Seungcheol's seats remained conspicuously unoccupied, their absence felt amidst the lively chatter and clinking of cutlery. The anticipation of their arrival added a subtle undercurrent to the room, leaving an unspoken curiosity in the air.

"Ah, you guys are back! Come join us," Sohee called out, her hand gesturing invitingly toward the table. Seungcheol felt Jeonghan's hand squeeze his own, and as he glanced at the male beside him, Jeonghan flashed a small, reassuring smile. Together, they gracefully moved forward, Jeonghan gently tugging Seungcheol along, their shared presence adding a touch of warmth to the gathering.

"Hey," Jeonghan greeted warmly as he took a seat beside Sohee, her smile reciprocating the friendly gesture. Seungcheol gracefully settled in beside Jeonghan, their synchronized movements echoing the unspoken connection between them. The air in the room seemed to embrace their presence, creating an atmosphere of shared moments and camaraderie.

"You guys are just in time; we were just about to start," Chan announced, gesturing toward the neatly arranged empty plates in front of everyone.

"Right, just in time," Jeonghan replied, his gaze lifting to meet Mingyu's smiling eyes. As Jeonghan settled next to Sohee, Mingyu occupied the seat right across from Seungcheol, a playful smile dancing on his lips. Wonwoo, positioned beside Mingyu, added to the ensemble, creating a tableau of camaraderie as the anticipation for the meal heightened in the air.

"Where did y'all even go?" Mingyu inquired, his gaze fixed on Seungcheol, who managed to restrain the strong urge to roll his eyes.

Sensing the tension, Jeonghan smoothly intervened, discreetly placing his hand on Seungcheol's thigh, a subtle gesture aimed at calming any brewing unease. The unspoken support between them added a layer of harmony to the moment, diffusing potential tension with an understated touch.

"We went to tour around Daegu a bit, beautiful city, I must say," Jeonghan replied, mirroring Mingyu's surprised smile. Mingyu raised a curious brow, and Jeonghan subtly bit back a smirk as he noticed Wonwoo glaring at him through his side-eye. The exchange of expressions added a layer of intrigue to the atmosphere, creating a subtle dance of emotions within the group.

"Great, I'm glad Hyung was able to tour you around. Did you enjoy it?" Mingyu asked, leaning forward on the table, his hands resting over it as he supported his chin. Jeonghan met Mingyu's gaze, his mind racing with thoughts about Mingyu's intense curiosity regarding their recent activities.

An unspoken tension lingered in the air, and Jeonghan couldn't shake the feeling that Mingyu's interest went beyond mere curiosity. As the table held a collective pause, the atmosphere became charged with an unspoken narrative, leaving Jeonghan to navigate Mingyu's probing with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"He's more annoying than his mother," Jeonghan thought, casting a glance at Jihyun seated beside Mingyu, who was engrossed in scrolling through her phone.

The room held a subtle tension, accentuated by Jeonghan's internal reflections and the unspoken dynamics playing out around the dining table. The interplay of expressions and gestures wove a narrative of intrigue, adding a layer of complexity to the seemingly casual dinner conversation.

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