Chapter 6. The pretense begins

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Seungcheol knew it was a terrible idea the moment he agreed to pretend to be married to Yoon Jeonghan. Not only did Jeonghan have an attitude that made him act like the world revolved around him, but he also had no concept of time or punctuality.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan had planned to go to the mall with a reporter following them, giving everyone a small hint that maybe the eldest son of the Choi Group was in a relationship. Jihoon had insisted that this was the best way to start their fake marriage charade.

Yet, here Seungcheol sat in his car, waiting for Jeonghan for the past 20 minutes. The beautiful but incredibly irresponsible man was nowhere to be seen.

Seungcheol sighed, frustration evident on his face as he tapped his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. He had always been a stickler for punctuality, and Jeonghan's lack of it was driving him crazy.

He pulled out his phone and dialed Jeonghan's number,(which he got from Jihoon) hoping for some explanation or at least an apology. But all he got was Jeonghan's cheerful voice on the other end, completely oblivious to the fact that he was running late.

"Hey, Seungcheol! Sorry, I lost track of time. I'll be there in a few minutes, okay?" Jeonghan said, his voice filled with a nonchalant tone that only added to Seungcheol's annoyance.

It's okay, remember he is the golden key to your success.

Seungcheol took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He knew he had to keep up appearances, even if it meant dealing with Jeonghan's infuriating behavior.

"Fine, just hurry up," Seungcheol replied curtly before hanging up. He leaned back in his seat, contemplating the choices he had made that led him to this situation.

As he waited for Jeonghan to finally arrive, Seungcheol couldn't help but wonder if this fake marriage was worth all the trouble. He had agreed to it to protect position in his family, but dealing with Jeonghan's carefree attitude was proving to be more challenging than he had anticipated.

But Seungcheol was determined to see this through. He would show everyone that he could handle the responsibilities of being the eldest son of the Choi Group, even if it meant putting up with Jeonghan's antics.

Because as they, 'you have go lose something to gain something' and Seungcheol is ready to push his patience under the bus.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jeonghan appeared, casually strolling towards the car as if he hadn't just kept Seungcheol waiting for so long. Seungcheol forced a smile, trying to hide his frustration.

"Sorry for the delay, babe. Let's go and give them a show they won't forget," Jeonghan said, flashing a mischievous grin.

Seungcheol sighed inwardly, realizing that this fake marriage was going to be a lot more challenging than he had ever imagined. But he was determined to make it work, even if it meant dealing with Jeonghan's quirks and unpredictable behavior.

As they drove off to the mall, Seungcheol couldn't help but let his eyes wander over Jeonghan's outfit. Jeonghan was dressed in a stylish navy blue full-sleeved shirt, neatly tucked into black leather pants. He carried a mini cherry bag that seemed to serve no purpose other than being a fashion statement, as it appeared too small to fit anything other than air.

To top it off, he even held his phone in his hand, instead of keeping it in his pocket like a normal person. Seungcheol couldn't understand why Jeonghan insisted on carrying that useless bag.

"You can stare at me all you want later, but for now, please focus on the road ahead. I don't want to die this young," Jeonghan teased, playfully adjusting his makeup using the car's built-in mirror and grabbing his small bag to retrieve his red chapstick.

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