Chapter 32. Tranquility before turmoil

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The dim glow of a lone lamp cast elongated shadows across Seungcheol's bedroom, creating an atmosphere of heightened suspense. His entrance was accompanied by the subtle creaking of the door, echoing the weight of his apprehension. As he paced, the air felt charged with nervous energy, each step echoing the cadence of his racing thoughts.

Tension manifested in every line of Seungcheol's face, his furrowed brow and pursed lips revealing the gravity of the situation. The room seemed to constrict around him, amplifying the sense of urgency that hung in the air like a thick fog. The flickering light played tricks on the walls, mirroring the uncertainty that gripped Seungcheol's heart.

In the adjacent room, the muffled sounds of conversation painted a delicate tableau of deception. Jeonghan's voice, a crucial instrument in their intricate charade, resonated in the air like a suspenseful melody. Seungcheol's silent prayers reverberated with each heartbeat, his hope hinging on Jeonghan's ability to navigate the treacherous waters of their charade.

The stakes were high, and as Seungcheol's gaze darted around the room, every object seemed to bear witness to the gravity of the moment. The weight of the situation pressed down on him, and in the hushed moments between each paced step, he clung to the desperate wish that Hyori, in the room beyond, would remain blissfully unaware of the carefully orchestrated facade threatening to crumble.

Seungcheol's mind wandered back to a poignant memory, recalling the palpable worry etched on Jeonghan's face when the notion of being left alone had been broached. The scene played out vividly in his thoughts, the furrowed brow and apprehensive gaze reflecting Jeonghan's vulnerability. The room seemed to echo with the weight of that concern, the air filled with the unspoken fears that had lingered between them.

In the tapestry of his recollection, Seungcheol could almost feel the tremor of Jeonghan's emotions, a delicate thread weaving through the fabric of their shared experiences.

Hyori was everything to Seungcheol, a beacon of unwavering support and maternal love. Yet, paradoxically, she also represented a void, an undefined space within him that yearned for something more. As Seungcheol navigated the intricacies of his emotions, the dichotomy of loving her profoundly while grappling with an intangible emptiness painted a vivid portrait of the complex, nuanced relationship he shared with the woman who was simultaneously his everything and his nothing.

The emotional landscape painted by this unrequited love was both beautiful and painful, a tapestry of selfless devotion against the backdrop of a quiet, unanswered yearning.

Seungcheol's love for his mother, though unyielding, became a bittersweet melody, resonating in the depths of his soul with both the warmth of affection and the chill of unmet expectations.

Seungcheol's heart raced as the door swung open, and in the gentle glow of the yellow light, Jeonghan emerged, his silhouette casting a subtle shadow. With an effortless grace, Jeonghan entered the room, his frame exuding a calm and relaxed aura that seemed to fill the space.

"Oh? You didn't go to sleep--"

Jeonghan's sentence hung in the air, truncated by the sudden embrace. Seungcheol's arms enveloped him in a tight hug, the strength of the embrace causing Jeonghan to instinctively rise on his toes. Seungcheol's grip tightened around Jeonghan's waist, and in response, Jeonghan's arms found their way around Seungcheol's neck. Fingers gently traced through Seungcheol's hair, a tender caress amidst the intensity of the moment.

"Are you okay? Did she say something? I will talk to her--" Seungcheol's concern spilled out in a rush of words, but before he could finish, Jeonghan's touch brought a momentary hush.

"Cheol.."Jeonghan gently cupped Seungcheol's face in his hand, his fingers tracing the contours of his cheekbones. The room seemed to still as Jeonghan met Seungcheol's gaze with a calm and reassuring posture, a silent promise to weather whatever storm may be brewing.

"I am okay, your mother didn't trouble me much" Jeonghan's voice carried a reassuring tone, and Seungcheol visibly eased at his words. The tension that had gripped his shoulders gradually released as he maintained his hand on Jeonghan's waist. In the calm aftermath, a sense of relief settled over the room, their connection providing a silent solace amidst the unspoken challenges.

"She gave me this" Jeonghan's slender fingers gracefully retreat from Seungcheol's neck, unveiling a velvet-clad box cradled in his hands.

As the lid opens, Seungcheol's eyes lock onto the familiar container, an ornate repository safeguarding generations of his family's cherished heirloom. Nestled within lies the emblematic bracelet, a symbol reserved for the chosen spouse of the eldest heir, each link echoing the lineage of love and commitment.

The weight of unspoken history envelops the room, a palpable affirmation of Jeonghan's intimate connection to the legacy, solidifying his role as the cherished companion and devoted husband in Seungcheol's lineage.

"It's so pretty" Seungcheol interrupts his contemplation, drawn back to the present by the soft voice of Jeonghan. His eyes shift from the box to find Jeonghan delicately cradling the bracelet in his fingers, a gentle admiration illuminating his features. The intricate design captures the ambient light, casting a radiant glow that dances along the curves of the heirloom.

In that moment, the beauty of the bracelet seems to be reflected not just in its craftsmanship but also in the shared appreciation mirrored in the couple's gaze, a silent celebration of the enduring connection it represents.

"It's our family's generational bracelet, and as my husband, you are supposed to wear it for the annual family gathering. I thought she wouldn't be giving this to you," Seungcheol's last line seizes Jeonghan's attention, drawing his eyes away from the bracelet.

"Why?" Jeonghan inquired, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"It's nothing," Seungcheol sighed, his arms slowly unwrapping from Jeonghan's waist. He turned around, making his way towards the bed with a contemplative expression, leaving Jeonghan to ponder the unspoken complexities lingering in the air.

Jeonghan bit his lip, torn between the desire to delve into Seungcheol's unspoken thoughts and the realization that, in this scenario, he was merely playing the role of a fake husband. He restrained himself, silently acknowledging, "You are just his fake husband, Jeonghan; let it be as it is." A subtle tension lingered, leaving the room filled with unspoken sentiments.

As Mingyu stepped away from the closed door, the muscles in his arms tensed, his fists clenching with a palpable intensity that betrayed his inner turmoil. His sharp gaze remained fixed on the bedroom door of Seungcheol and Jeonghan, while the flaring of his nostrils hinted at the simmering frustration bubbling within him.

"Let's see how long you are going to help him... Yoon Jeonghan," Mingyu muttered under his breath. The words, laden with a veiled threat, hung in the air, creating an atmosphere charged with tension and suggesting deeper conflicts and unresolved issues within the intricate dynamics of their relationships.



Oh shit! Mingyu knows?🥹

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Oh shit! Mingyu knows?🥹

Anyways thankyou so much for 14k views guys!! Means alot ❤️

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