Chapter 12. Mission Start

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"Jeonghan, have you packed your clothes yet?" Jeonghan shifts his attention from playing Uno cards with Hoshi to Jihoon, who stands at the entrance of the kitchen wearing his apron.

"No, why?" Jeonghan answers, throwing the +2 card on the table, causing Hoshi to groan loudly.

"Why? Seriously? Aren't you supposed to leave today? With Seungcheol for his family meet-up? Pretending to be his husband?" Jihoon reminds, looking exasperated. Jeonghan nods, finally realizing his oversight.

"Oh, right. I haven't packed yet. I mean, how long does it even take to stuff my things into a suitcase?" Jeonghan says, returning to the card game with Hoshi.

"Fine, don't come running to me if you're not ready when Seungcheol comes to pick you up," Jihoon says, before disappearing into the kitchen, leaving his husband and Jeonghan to continue their game.

"Stop cheating, will you?!" Hoshi groans, slamming his hands on the table as he catches Jeonghan sneaking a +4 card from the deck.

Jeonghan laughs, placing the card back before Jihoon returns to call them for lunch.

"Come on, you lazy asses, get up and eat," Jihoon says, snatching the cards away from Jeonghan and Hoshi, then tugging at Jeonghan's sweater. "You need to eat and then pack your clothes. No funny business," Jihoon says to Jeonghan, who holds up two fingers in a salute and smiles at Jihoon.

"Okay, Mom," Jeonghan sings, disappearing into the kitchen with Hoshi as Jihoon follows behind.After chatting over lunch, the three of them finish their meal. Jeonghan leans back in his chair, watching Jihoon scroll through his phone.

"Hoonie," Jeonghan called out softly, his voice barely above a whisper. Jihoon glared at him, clearly annoyed. "I told you I'm not helping you pack," Jihoon said, his eyes glued to his phone.

Jeonghan let out a small whine as he reached across the table, his hands folded in a pleading manner. "Please," he begged.

Hoshi, who had been quietly washing the dishes, spoke up. "I'll help him pack. You stay here and relax, Hoonie," he said with a smile.

Jihoon groaned, standing up from his chair. "Fine, come on," he muttered, clearly not thrilled about the idea of helping Jeonghan pack.

Jeonghan cheered loudly, blowing a kiss to Hoshi,who winks back before dragging Jihoon upstairs with him. As they made their way to Jeonghan's room, Jihoon couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over him. He knew that helping Jeonghan pack was going to be a long and arduous task, but he also knew that he couldn't say no to his friend.

"What items should I pack?" Jeonghan asked, opening the cabinet to retrieve the clothes Seungcheol had purchased for him during their recent shopping trip.

"Clothes.." Jihoon, exhausted, collapsed onto Jeonghan's bed and closed his eyes in an attempt to unwind.

"I am aware of clothing, but what else?" Jeonghan pressed, shooting Jihoon a stern look as he removed all the hangers from the closet and selected his everyday attire.

"Pack your essentials, Hannie. Your toothbrush, hairbrush, undergarments, skincare products, and--"

"Okay, okay, I understand!" Jeonghan interrupted, hurrying to the bathroom to grab his new toothbrush and toothpaste. He refused to use the old ones while traveling.

"Where are we headed, by the way?" Jeonghan inquired, placing all of his belongings on the bed and observing as Jihoon meticulously arranged them inside his lavender suitcase.

"Daegu," Jihoon replied, glancing at Jeonghan briefly as he positioned his toiletries in the bag's side pocket.


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